Steven Moffat sat down for a great one-on-one interview where he addresses Doctor Who concerns regarding the 50th Anniversary Special, The Christmas Special, and the upcoming season.

Rumors have abounded regarding exactly what is what for Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary celebratory year. Probably due in part to showrunner Steven Moffat’s absence from Twitter, it’s hard to even tell fact from fancy. So where exactly do we stand with 3-D specials, and multiple anniversary episodes?

In a terrific, 13-minute video interview found on YouTube (sorry we can’t embed it) Moffat gives credit to both Mark Gatiss and Russell T. Davies for their Doctor Who work. Mark Gatiss has apparently been pitching the idea of an Ice Warriors centric episode for awhile, and Moffat regularly shot down this idea. Gatiss finally wore him down and Moffat now admits, having seen the Gatiss Ice Warriors episode, that the Ice Warriors weren’t the “boring and rubbish” villains that he first thought. In fact, Moffat states that he frequently asks Davies to come back and write an episode, but Davies has yet to take him up on his offer.

Moffat also reveals his least and most favorite episodes that he’s written.  Moffat has a soft spot for both “The Empty Child”, since it was his first, and “Blink”, because of the overwhelming fan reaction.  Nonetheless his favorite was “The Big Bang”, which is the second part of “The Pandorica Opens” storyline.  When it came to his least favorite episode Moffat was able to come up with one definitive answer,”‘The Beast Below’…it was quite a mess…it was all over the place…”

Check out the entire 13-minute interview, it’s not fluff and well worth the entire watch, and let us now what your favorite part was.