If you haven’t heard about Kanye’s Famous music video, it might be best to just let it pass on by. Or you could join in on the fun like Stephen Colbert.

Now hosting The Late Show, Stephen Colbert has a new platform for his hilarious antics, which don’t seem to have slowed down since leaving The Colbert Report in 2014. His latest idea has him literally in bed with Kanye West and a host of other celebrities.

Kanye has been in the headlines lately after his music video for Famous landed on Tidal, a subscription-based music streaming service, and features him in the middle of a gigantic bed lined with celebrities such as Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, Amber rose, and even Bill Cosby.

But one person Kanye forgot to include was Stephen Colbert. Check it out:

“If that’s memory foam, that bed is going to have PTSD,” he quips.

“There are conflicting reports about this,” he adds, “but the consensus is that most of the celebrities in the video aren’t real, just wax or silicone imitations. So…celebrities.”

If you haven’t guessed yet, the reason why this video is making so many headlines is because you can clearly see which celebrity is which, despite the real person never making an actual appearance. A lot of people are questioning if this is legal, and if it isn’t, how badly Kanye is going to get sued.

But as Colbert points out, the man doesn’t seem to concerned about it, tweeting, “Can somebody sue me already #I’llwait.” The Tweet has since been removed from his feed.

Well, you can add one more name to that list of angry celebs, Kanye. Nobody takes Colbert out of the bed.