At a Disney Shareholders meeting on Tuesday, audience members were lucky enough to see footage from Star Wars Episode VIII.

If you’re looking for major The Last Jedi spoilers, you won’t find them here, but a couple of scenes shown at a Disney Shareholders meeting do offer up some interesting plot details to speculate about.

A journalist at the meeting tweeted out what they saw, starting off with an initial clip that seemed more like a practical joke than actual footage.

Luckily, there was more to come:

That wasn’t quite the end of it, however, as we see fans kept asking questions and Miller was kind enough to provide further detail:

There isn’t too much to go off of on such little information, but it is interesting to see Disney setting up questions about Rey’s origins and purpose, especially considering it was played alongside her ability to wield a lightsaber.

Clips of Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa will also certainly stir emotions in fans, since the actress passed away late last year.

Does this ‘Last Jedi’ footage provide any fodder for your theories?