Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now screening in Europe, which means spoilers are incoming. Luckily, there’s an app for that.

Not only have critics and lucky The Force Awakens world premiere attendees now seen the latest Star Wars film, but the movie opens to general audiences in Europe today.

Related: See the first (spoiler-free) Star Wars: The Force Awakens reviews from premiere attendees

So over the next few days, spoilers will probably be flooding your social media pages. As The Force Awakens isn’t out in the U.S. until Friday, this is likely making a lot of you very nervous.

But fear not, for the Chrome browser extension Force Block is here to help.

Force Block will block pages containing spoilers from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and will instantly obscure key phrases and words that register as spoilers.

As some people have already seen the film, Force Block knows exactly what to look for, and will make sure you don’t accidentally find out that Jar Jar Binks is the new Sith Overlord… we mean… oops.

See? Better turn on that extension right away!

If you’re on Firefox, Safari or — gasp — Internet Explorer, we suggest switching to Google Chrome for the next few days, as Force Block unfortunately won’t work on any other browsers.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ hits theaters on Friday, December 18. Have you got your tickets yet?

Note: Hypable’s review of The Force Awakens will be live later today (December 16). You can test the Force Block extension on that post!