Star Wars fans wondering why The Rise of Skywalker didn’t feature more of Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico now have an answer to their question.

The Last Jedi may have set fans up to believe that newcomer Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) might have a bigger role to play in the final installment of the Skywalker Saga. That’s probably why the lack of Rose in Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker didn’t go unnoticed by moviegoers.

Now, one of the screenwriters on the project is speaking out and clarifying why Kelly Marie Tran wasn’t given more screen time in the final film.

In a brand new interview with Awards Daily, screenwriter Chris Terrio revealed that technical difficulties are to blame for Rose Tico’s absence.

Related: Jon M. Chu urges Disney+ to give us the Rose Tico series we deserve

Specifically, according to Terrio, it all has to do with the way he and fellow screenwriter/director J.J. Abrams envisioned using footage of the late Carrie Fisher, who passed away before she could film The Rise of Skywalker.

“One of the reasons that Rose has a few less scenes than we would like her to have has to do with the difficulty of using Carrie Fisher’s footage in the way we wanted to,” Terrio told Awards Daily. “We wanted Rose to be the anchor at the rebel base who was with Leia. We thought we couldn’t leave Leia at the base without any of the principles who we love, so Leia and Rose were working together.”

From there, Terrio went on to say that the CGI they’d planned to use in the scenes between Tran and Fisher at the rebel base ultimately wasn’t up to standard and so he and Abrams chose to cut them.

“The last thing we were doing was deliberately trying to sideline Rose,” continued Terrio. “We adore the character, and we adore Kelly— so much so that we anchored her with our favorite person in this galaxy, General Leia.”

Now that we’ve heard Terrio’s explanation, we’re sure we’re not the only ones who’d like to know more about what those lost scenes between Tran’s Rose and Fisher’s Leia entailed.