Star Wars Rebels season 1, episode 9 was one of the quippiest installments of the season. Here are our favorite lines from “Idiot’s Array.”

Much of the humor sprang from the addition of Lando Calrissian (voiced by Billy Dee Williams himself) to Star Wars Rebels season 1, episode 9. Keeping the crew of the Ghost off-balance and scrambling, Lando brought out their exasperated best — and cracked quite a few jokes himself.

With the added focus on Hera — probably the sharpest of the crew — and a hilariously ridiculous puffer-pig, “Idiot’s Array” kept us grinning all the way through.

Ten best lines from ‘Idiot’s Array’

Zeb: Sabacc! I win!
Lando: Not so fast. It appears I have an Idiot’s Array. Which makes you… well…

Ezra: I can’t believe you lost Chopper! Good thing I wasn’t there, you would have bet me.
Zeb: Nah, you wouldn’t have covered the pot.

Hera: I hope you have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.
Lando: No fear, Captain. If a comet hits, this ship has escape pods.
Hera: That’s… not exactly the kind of “wrong” I had in mind.

Hera: That was a really useful tray.

Kanan: What is going on out here??
Ezra: It’s a, um, puffer–
Kanan: I don’t want to know.

Kanan: We’ve reached the blockade. I could really use Hera on this side of the pig right about now.

Ezra: This time, try to keep [the pig] calm. We don’t want you inflating it again.
Zeb: Hey, it wasn’t my fault.
Ezra: It’s your face’s fault.

Azmorigan: But first! First I want to bury Calrissian!
Hera: Yeah, yeah, I understand the feeling. But no.
Kanan: Now wait, let’s consider that last demand for a second.

Hera: Zeb! The pig! Scare it!
Zeb: What? How?
Hera: Just be you!

Azmorigan: New terms! I get Calrissian, and this one lives. I get Calrissian, and you all can go free!
Ezra: You got it!
Kanan: Deal.
Hera: It’s tempting, but the answer’s still no.

Star Wars Rebels season 1, episode 10, “Vision of Hope,” will air on Monday, Feb. 2 at 9:00 p.m. on Disney XD.

What were your favorite lines from ‘Star Wars Rebels’ season 1, episode 9?