Hope was both fragile and powerful on Star Wars Rebels season 1, episode 10. Read our recap and share your thoughts on “Vision of Hope.”


Ezra receives a vision while training with his lightsaber – and anticipating a new transmission from rebel senator Gall Trayvis. He sees advancing stormtroopers, the crew orchestrating an escape, and Senator Trayvis saying “Your parents were very brave.”

Hera (also encouraged by Trayvis) calls Ezra to watch the new transmission. They figure out that there is a code in the Senator’s message: Trayvis is coming to Lothal, and wants the rebels to meet him at the old Republic Senate building.

Kanan is suspicious – shouldn’t the Empire be able to figure this out too? – but Ezra and Hera trust that Trayvis can thwart the Empire. Confident in his vision, Ezra leaves to confirm that the Senate building really is abandoned.

Small truths

Ezra meets with his stormtrooper-in-training friend Zare, who has been promoted and will be moving off world to an officer’s academy. Zare says Agent Kallus is arranging a major operation around the Senate building.

Grateful, Ezra tries to tell Zare his real name – but is forced to flee by the arrival of the stormtroopers from his vision.

Meanwhile, Kallus tells Minister Tua that he is intent on capturing the rebels, though the Inquisitor prioritizes the Jedi. “We catch my rebels,” Kallus promises, “We catch his Jedi.”

Going for it

Ezra rejoins the crew, interrupting Hera’s musings about his parents. “They had hope that they could make the galaxy a better place for their son,” she says. Ezra delivers the bad news, convinced that Kallus plans to capture Trayvis.

Staking out the building, the crew finds it heavily guarded. Kanan realizes the trap is for them as well as Trayvis, but decides to infiltrate anyway and rescue the Senator.

After sneaking in through the sewers, Ezra, Hera, and Kanan meet Trayvis. Zeb and Sabine remain concealed.


Trayvis is thrilled to see the rebels, but the meeting is quickly interrupted by Kallus and his forces. Zeb and Sabine create a distraction, and Team Ghost escapes into the sewers with Trayvis, pursued by Kallus.

Team Ghost splits as Trayvis struggles to keep up. Ezra and Hera lead Trayvis to safety until they find the way blocked by a massive fan. Hera gives Trayvis a blaster and asks him to watch their backs.

“We’re not going anywhere,” Trayvis says, pointing the blaster at them.


You think you know a guy

So, Trayvis is working for the Empire.

Ezra is devastated, having held Trayvis in the same esteem as his parents for so long. Trayvis is surprised to learn that Ezra is the son of the people responsible for “the Bridger Transmissions.”

Trayvis says the Bridgers should have joined the Empire, as he did. “For their lives,” he tells Ezra. “For you. Your parents were very brave, and very foolish.”

“Where are they now?” Trayvis demands. “I’ll tell you, my boy. They’re gone!”

Hera confronts Trayvis as Ezra hunches over his grief. She says the Bridgers aren’t gone. “As long as we fight, all that they spoke out for lives on.”

Trayvis tries to fire on her, but the blaster is not charged, because Hera caught on way before, because she is awesome. She knocks Trayvis out, and the rest of Team Ghost arrives.

Kanan Force-freezes the fan, allowing for a narrow, disappointed escape.


Back at the Ghost, Hera admits to Ezra that she also wanted to believe in Trayvis.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with us?” Ezra jokes.

“We have hope. Hope that things can get better,” she says. “And they will.”

Were you surprised by ‘Star Wars Rebels’ season 1, episode 10?