After purchasing Lucasfilm and by extension the Star Wars franchise, Disney has been considering new ways to reinvigorate George Lucas’ world. A new interview with ABC entertainment president Paul Lee reveals that the Disney-owned television channel is considering a live-action Star Wars.

The idea of a live-action Star Wars is not actually all too new. Lucasfilm producer Rick McCallum got the ball rolling a few years ago but production costs, estimated at around $5 million per episode, didn’t make sense at the time unless Lucasfilm and whatever television channel the show went to ironed out a solid merchandising deal whereby they could offset the production costs.

“We’d love to do something with Lucasfilm, we’re not sure what yet,” Lee told EW. “We haven’t even sat down with them. We’re going to look at [the live-action series], we’re going to look at all of them, and see what’s right. We weren’t able to discuss this with them until [the acquisition] closed and it just closed. It’s definitely going to be part of the conversation.”

EW hears the Star Wars TV show plot lines follow “the story of rival families struggling over the control of the seedy underside of the Star Wars universe and the people who live within the subterranean level and air shafts of the metropolis planet Coruscant (the Empire’s urban-sprawl-covered home planet). A bounty hunter may be the main character. Set between the original Star Wars film trilogy and the prequels, the time period allows for all sorts of potential appearances from classic figures from the Star Wars universe.”

If a live-action show were to appear on ABC, the network would become nerd central. Between Star Wars and the now green-lit live-action Avengers show, you could bet it would have two solid geeky hits on its hands.

Meanwhile, Disney will release Star Wars: Episode VII in 2015.