The Force is about to be awakened. (Cool pun, right?)

Following a week of murmurs around the internet, all signs are pointing towards a few big things happening in the Star Wars fandom over the next few days.

io9 has confirmed with sources that the one-sheet (the main poster) for Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be arriving this Sunday. It’s a big deal, as each of the one-sheets for the six Star Wars movies is ingrained in our memory.

For example, no one can forget this poster for the original Star Wars:

As if that weren’t enough (Okay you’re right, it’s not), a new trailer for The Force Awakens will be dropping Monday night, “roughly around 8 p.m. eastern.”

Finally, Disney and Lucasfilm will use all of this Star Wars excitement to talk you into buying your tickets to actually see the movie. io9 believes tickets will go on sale about 30 minutes after the trailer is released on Monday, October 19. “They should be available at most, if not all, ticketing sites and theaters,” they write.

One thing’s for sure: You’ll want to be at your computer with your credit card handy on Monday night. If demand is anything like the hype, tickets for 12:01 a.m. showings (or earlier, if Star Wars follows recent release night movie trends) will sell out very fast. You’ll want to secure your tickets as quickly as possible to make sure you’re one of the first people to see The Force Awakens!

Presumably Disney and Lucasfilm will confirm the ticket and trailer news once they release the poster on Sunday. We’ll be sure to keep a close eye on the situation throughout the weekend, so stay tuned!

The Force Awakens hits theaters this Christmas. While we wait for more news, stare at this BB-8 gif: