Star Wars: The Force Awakens hosted its world premiere in Los Angeles on Monday night, and naturally, lucky attendees took to social media to talk about the movie afterward.

The world premiere occupied three theaters along Los Angeles’ Hollywood Boulevard, and all of the stars were in attendance — including The Force Awakens’ beloved droids R2-D2, C-3PO, and newcomer BB-8:

And of course, the human stars were there too:

Star Wars creator and director George Lucas walked the red carpet with Force Awakens helmer J.J. Abrams:

Oh, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt showed up dressed as Yoda:

We’ve rounded up a collection of tweets from those who attended Monday’s premiere and shared spoiler-free Star Wars reviews.

Thankfully, the first reviews of The Force Awakens are very positive:

Proper reviews of Star Wars: The Force Awakens will arrive Wednesday, December 16 at 12:01 a.m. pacific.