A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, someone punned May the 4th be with you, and we’ve never looked back. Happy Star Wars day!

On this day, all Jedi, Sith, droids, and humans put differences aside to celebrate this special occasion, an occasion that transcends galaxies. The celebrations can’t be stopped any more than you can stop the sun from setting.

Some of you will choose to celebrate by wearing a particular outfit to school or work. Maybe you’ll cook or bake Star Wars inspired food. Those who took a day off will likely marathon the Star Wars films, play video games, and/or watch Star Wars Rebels. No matter your activity of choice, you will all do this quote quiz. You’re forced to.

There is no such thing as luck on this quiz, it’s all raw talent combined with the ability to make the most of opportunities. I won’t tell you the odds of winning. It might make you too afraid to take it. And fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. All it takes is patience. Use the Force. Think.

For this quiz, do or do not. There is no try. Do not look to the future, just focus on where you are, what you’re doing. When you’re done, do not pass on what you have learned. There will be no cheating in this quiz! And just because you might be a Wookie, doesn’t mean we’re just going to let you win.


Quotes in this quiz are taken from the following films:

How many Star Wars quotes did you get right?