For the first time ever, you’ll be able to get alcoholic drinks at the new Star Wars Land cantina in Disney Land!

It’s been a well-known fact that the average park-goer couldn’t snag an alcoholic beverage at Disneyland, but that all is apparently about to change. In the new Star Wars Land, a cantina is opening up and in addition to serving up some classic Star Wars fun, it seems parkgoers will also be served some grown-up drinks, if they so choose.

The Disney Parks Blog first posted about the exciting new attraction, called Oga’s Cantina, calling it a “notorious local watering hole to unwind, conduct shady business, and maybe even encounter a friend…or a foe.” The cantina is run by Oga Garra, who works hard to keep patrons under control, but being in a corner of the universe frequented by some who live outside the law, things can get crazy at Oga’s Cantina.

It sounds like an awesome attraction, but it’s even more exciting since the cantina will be the first place in Disneyland that all park attendees can visit that also serves alcohol (alcohol is served at the adjacent California Adventure and the exclusive Club 33). According to Deadline, Oga’s Cantina will serve up beer, wine, and “outer space cocktails” that can be enjoyed only within the boundaries of Oga’s.

Park spokeswoman Liz Jaeger explained the choice to add alcohol to the menu, saying, “Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be a completely immersive true-to-story experience. Given our commitment to offering fans an immersive cantina experience, we felt this was an opportunity to offer alcohol and non-alcohol based beverages in the context of the story.”

We can’t wait to hit up Oga’s Cantina and get our space booze on with the other smugglers, fugitives, and general shady characters who frequent the establishment. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is set to open next year, so start making your travel plans now!