If you think you’ve seen everything there is to see from Star Wars, you’re wrong.

New bloopers from Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, then just titled Star Wars have surfaced online. LucasFilm editor J.W. Rinsler has had the access to the LucasFilm archives that would drive most Star Wars fanboys (and fangirls) giddy. This access comes from writing his The Making of “Star Wars” books, the most recent, The Making of “Return of the Jedi”, having been published last week.

This blooper clip attached below includes some really funny goof-ups, some unintentional comedy (we’re looking at you, stormtroopers), and Harrison Ford, well, being Harrison Ford.

While these bloopers are cool, we hope this means that there is plenty more in the LucasFilm vault that has yet to see the light of day.

In the recent uncovering of old footage, the original trailers for the three original trilogy films have also been released in the past month. This Star Wars trailer, not yet subtitled A New Hope, gives a good taste into the awe and wonder that must have been felt by theatergoers, but it really verifies how crucial John Williams was to the franchise. It doesn’t seem like Star Wars without him. Luckily, Williams will be returning for Episode VII.

Here’s the Empire Strikes Back trailer:

Here’s the Revenge of the Jedi trailer (the film was later re-titled Return of the Jedi):

What did you think of these ‘Star Wars’ bloopers?