For the first time, there will be an officially licensed Star Trek Beer.

Star Trek has been around since 1966, so 2014 seems like a weird time to introduce an officially licensed beer for the first time. With April fools day being just over a week away we thought that perhaps the announcement was a prank, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, the announcement is an official one from CBS.

The first Star Trek beer will be Klingon Warnog, a drink described as a “bold beer suited for the harsh Klingon lifestyle.”

For the beer enthusiasts, ScreenCrush has a description of Klingon Warnog’s flavor:

This singular beer incorporates rye malt into a modern Dunkelweizen grain bill, creating a flavor profile that is both familiar and unique. Warnog’s aroma is predominantly mild banana and clove produced by the German wheat yeast, supported by subtle sweet malt character from the use of Munich malt. The flavor draws heavily from the blending of the rye malt and traditional clove character, creating a very rich and unique flavor. The inclusion of wheat and caramel malts help to round out the mouthfeel of this beer, making this Dunkelweizen hearty enough to be called a Klingon Warnog.

The Klingons are, of course, the famous nemeses (and later allies) of Starfleet. Among other things, the learning of the Klingon language has been one of the most popular things that signifies the truly hardcore Star Trek fanbase. Learning the incredibly difficult language is no easy task, but perhaps it will become a bit easier after a few Warnogs. As always, drink responsibly.

Would you drink a ‘Star Trek’ beer?