Mark Williams, better known as Mr. Weasley from the Harry Potter movies, is guest starring on at least one epiode of Doctor Who. A fan shares her account of the BBC filming in her home.

Generally speaking Doctor Who has more or less filmed in order (with some limited variation) each season. So it’s fairly safe to assume this will be an early episode. A clapperboard captured by a fan photographer credits Saul Metzstein as the director of this particular episode. There is also some speculation on Bleeding Cool News that Mark Williams may be playing Rory’s father.

The fan (@gracejenks) whose house was used to film this particular episode spoke about meeting the cast on Twitter and may have inadvertently substantiated the rumors as to whom Williams plays. Last week (in a tidbit missed by many online outlets because they didn’t go back far enough in her Twitter stream) she tweeted about Rory and Amy’s wedding photo being in her house. It seems unlikely that a non-relative would have their wedding photo displayed in a prominent place, so Williams being Rory’s dad seems to be a viable rumor.

Here are the more relevant Tweets from Grace Jenkins over the last 72 hours or so sorted chronologically by topic.

On having her house used by the BBC for a Doctor Who episode:

Living room has been cruelly disfigured so they can film Doctor Who in it

Rory and Amy Pond’s wedding photos are now on my living room wall and will be all weekend as they’re filming Monday

Blows my mind how many people it takes to make a tv show. I’ve counted at least 50

I’m sure it won’t actually look anything like my house after the way they decorated it! Very exciting day though

On meeting Mark Williams:

I just met Mr Weasley #dead

He was so lovely, and he’s also Mr Weasley, so I couldn’t not have a photo!

On meeting Karen Gillan:

Karen Gillan read my Vogue magazine and she also is a Lana Del Rey fan

Karen Gillan keeps playing my piano

All Doctor Who followers who are maybe expecting a photo, Gillan is HUGELY pretty, and I’m hugely vain, so that is not happening!

She was absolutely lovely and so sweet to us all. Our piano was used in their set, and she was having a go between takes.

I’m not 100% sure sorry, I wasn’t on the set! There were so many cameras though, it might have been picked up for something

Do you think Mark Williams is Rory’s dad given the limited information that we have?