With the news that Sony has finally allowed Marvel to use Spider-Man in their films, the big question becomes who will be cast as the webslinger. Reports now suggest he’ll be a much younger actor than Andrew Garfield.

Andrew Garfield is only 31, and was younger when he was cast in the two Amazing Spider-Man films, but now THR reports that the two studios are looking to cast a “much younger actor” in the role of Peter Parker.

This isn’t surprising, as they’d need a younger actor to take on the role now that they probably plan to stick with him over half a dozen films between Sony and Marvel productions. This is new territory, though, and the announcement last night said that Sony had the final call as to who would be cast in the role.

It’s unlikely we’re going to hear about a casting announcement anytime soon, but the studios will need to get a jump on the casting, as it’s incredibly important to the success of Spider-Man’s film future. Marvel moved back four of their films’ release dates just to accommodate this character addition, so they will want to move quickly, and hopefully, in the right direction.

There have been reports that Sony/Marvel may be going the Miles Morales route, which would see our first person of color join the Avengers, and he’s also a younger character, so it does fit the new reports that are coming out. But Marvel is just leasing Spider-Man from Sony, and Sony still has the final say, and they’ve always seemed to prefer the Peter Parker storyline.

It’s mostly speculation right now, but with Spider-Man most likely appearing in Captain America: Civil War, which hits theaters May 6, 2016, the studios are probably diving into auditions of young actors. Just over a year away, Civil War will be a massive film, but now it’s most likely going to be introducing the new Spider-Man.

This gives Marvel an entirely new angle to promote if they’re able to cast an actor in time for Civil War’s shooting schedule. Not only does Spider-Man have a large role in the Civil War storyline, he’s incredibly popular in general, which just adds to the fact that Captain America and Iron Man will both be joined by the webslinger.

We need to find out if Sony/Marvel plan to use the Miles Morales Spider-Man, or the Peter Parker Spider-Man, and then we can start speculating as to who may be cast as the future Spider-Man. For now, we hope they make the right choices, and aren’t hindered by the fact that two major studios are now working together on multiple projects.