Marvel took their time casting Tom Holland as Spider-Man. Could this affect the character’s planned Captain America: Civil War debut?

Marvel president Kevin Feige has given the media a lot of new fodder for speculation over the past few days, after dropping some MCU insight at this week’s Ant-Man premiere.

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Of course everyone wants to talk about Spider-Man, the newest Avenger to join the squad.

As Marvel and Sony have finally decided on Tom Holland for the part, things should progress smoothly from here, with his first solo movie set for 2017.

But what about Captain America: Civil War, the movie rumored to introduce Spider-Man to the MCU?

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“Everyone takes for granted that he’s in it, but I don’t want people to have false expectations,” Feige tells The LA Times.

That’s… not a denial, exactly, but it does lead us to wonder just how big of a role he’ll have in the already superhero-saturated movie.

We’d still say it’s very likely that Spider-Man will indeed pop up in Civil War, only because it’s Marvel’s best chance of introducing him to a wide audience.

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Marvel’s only got two other movies slated ahead of Spider-Man: Doctor Strange and Guardians of the Galaxy 2. The former has its own new characters to introduce, and we doubt Spidey’s webs can sling him all the way into the Guardians galaxy.

So it’s Captain America or nothing, even if Tom Holland will only make his on-screen debut as Spider-Man in the post-credits scene.

On Tom Holland’s casting, Feige says he’s excited to see a younger Spider-Man join the MCU.

“The younger he [is], the more truer he [is] to the original Spider-Man comic book stories,” Feige says. “And also, the more unique and different he will be in comparison to the other Marvel heroes.”

Do you think there’s a chance Spider-Man won’t debut in ‘Captain America: Civil War’?