The Spectacular Now is, well, spectacular. Your friends have told you so, and now you want to see it for yourself. Ready?

We have more tickets to Spectacular Now screenings in select cities across the United States!

The cities we have tickets for now are different from the ones we shared previously.

If you live in Baltimore, Columbus, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Nashville, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Sacramento, Tampa, Wauwatosa, Westlake, or Winter Park, we’ve got tickets for you.

To attend a screening in one of the cities above, click here and select your nearest town. From there you’ll see the date, time, and specific theater where the screening will be held.

Want to let your friends know? Use the social media buttons to spread the word. They’ll be happy you told them about a free movie opportunity.

Please note that seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. We recommend showing up at the theater roughly thirty minutes ahead of time to ensure a seat.

The Spectacular Now stars Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller in a beautiful, summer coming of age story about love and family.

If you’re going: Enjoy!