The Obamas are more than just our President and First Lady, and seeing a bit of their story unfold on screen was just one reason Southside With You is worth a trip to the cinema.

Whether you love or hate their politics, the Obamas have had a dramatic impact on our culture over their eight years as POTUS and FLOTUS. Michelle specifically has been a more visible First Lady than many over the last few decades. Their affection and love has been well documented over his eight years as Commander-in-Chief, and seeing that unfold on screen is an absolute treat.

Make sure to check out our interview with the stars of Southside With You, and learn what it was like for these two actors to embody two of our country’s most recognizable and influential faces.



The soundtrack to Southside with You does its job superbly. It takes you back to the time period in which Barack and Michelle spent this specific day together, and transforms moments of a sometimes unremarkable day into charming and connecting moments of affection. Music may not be a character in this film on a story level, but the soundtrack definitely does its job and more.


Southside With You‘s small $1.5 million budget does not show when it comes to the cast of this movie. Tika Sumpter and Parker Sawyers do a fantastic job of portraying the younger versions of the future President and First Lady, specifically when it comes to mannerisms and general demeanor. Both leads have more than a passing resemblance to their real life counterparts, and those likenesses make it easy to imagine this story unfolding on the true blue Chicago streets.

Outside of our leads, the rest of the film is also superbly casted. There aren’t any other characters that make a distinct impression, but their world was fully fleshed out with family and friends who help us get a deeper look into the personality and character of the much younger soon-to-be couple.

A story we wanted to see

There aren’t a lot of political figures with a story as inspiring as that of Barack and Michelle Obama, especially one that can be told as an independent movie centered around something other then their political prowess. It’s been clear from the start that Michelle and Barack are a team, and seeing where that all began was a true delight.

It was particularly lovely to get a chance to see both of these people take a step back and see the other outside of the professional atmosphere of law office where they both worked. Moments like Barack looking on as a free-spirited Michelle dances in a drum circle, or Michelle bearing witness to the magic that is Barack’s public speaking abilities make us wish that we could have been a fly on the wall to witness the birth of one of history’s most beloved pairs.


Not a lot truly happened

While the movie absolutely charmed and delighted me, it is worth noting that not a lot actually happened in the film. It’s not as if a first date would end with declarations of love or devotion, so, naturally, this was just a tentative first step for both parties. Don’t expect to see a lot of physical affection between them, or even affection in general, as Michelle spends most of this day convincing Barack that this is not in fact, a date. It is simply the first day of the rest of their lives.


Anyone with a soft spot for the doting and affectionate first couple will enjoy seeing them very early on in their careers. Both have charm and personality oozing out of them, and that comes across clearly here, even if Michelle was on guard for most of the events of the film.

I walked out of the theater with a whole new level of respect for Michelle Obama. Whether or not this story is 100% accurate is irrelevant, as Michelle’s dedication to working hard and projecting the right image is admirable and inspirational. She has never come across as a woman to suffer fools or accept someone’s opinions of her for anything more than that, opinions. That quality comes to life throughout Southside With You again and again as she tries to keep Barack and all his insight into the professional box she’s designated for him.

We’ve all come to know this pair well after watching them for eight long years, but seeing them young and just at the start of their adventure together is a true delight. It’s fun to watch two young people embark on a journey that will change more than just their own lives, but those of an entire nation.