Soul, the latest movie to come from Disney Pixar, just released its first trailer, and the movie asks viewers to discover their true passions.

Pixar movies are always masterful at finding ways to articulate complex ideas of human emotion in a creative, meaningful way that moves both adults and kids. And in their latest movie, Soul, it seems like they’re about to do it again.

The first trailer for Soul was just released, and though we don’t get a huge look into the film, it gives us a bit of an idea of what’s to come. While the movie is punctuated by some soulful, jazzy piano riffs, it seems that this movie isn’t just about jazz or soul music — it’s about your actual soul.

In this trailer, we’re asked to think about what gets us truly excited and what we are truly passionate about. It asks us to think about how we want to be remembered, and to discover our “brilliant, passionate self.”

Soul follows Joe Gardner, a middle school band teacher whose real passion is playing jazz music. But as he continues to get older, he starts to find himself faced with the ever-increasing reality that his dream to be a jazz musician might not pan out. And that starts him on a journey of asking big questions like, “Why am I here?”

It’s a story that many of us can relate to regardless of our personal passions. And according to the film’s co-director and two-time Academy Award-winner Pete Docter, this movie has been 23 years in the making.

“It started with my son—he’s 23 now—but the instant he was born, he already had a personality,” says Docter. “Where did that come from? I thought your personality developed through your interaction with the world. And yet, it was pretty clear that we’re all born with a very unique, specific sense of who we are.”

Kemp Powers will also be directing Soul, and he also spoke to the meaning behind the film, “I think Joe is having that crisis that all artists have. He’s increasingly feeling like his lifelong dream of being a jazz musician is not going to pan out and he’s asking himself ‘Why am I here? What am I meant to be doing?’ Joe personifies those questions.”

Pixar certainly has its work cut out for them, creating a kid’s movie based on the question of our purpose on Earth and discovering our true selves. However, if their previous movies are any indication, Soul is going to be a moving, fun journey into some deep issues.

You can go on the journey to find your passionate self when Soul hits movie theaters in June of 2020.