It seems like everybody in the world wants to be a part of Doctor Who. The question is, “In what capacity?”

Yesterday it was reported that Helen Mirren gave a brief comment to the Daily Mail stating that she’d like to be in Doctor Who, but as the Doctor, not as a companion. Unfortunately for Mirren, it doesn’t seem like that job is opening up anytime soon. Matt Smith taped an episode of The Graham Norton show last night and clarified his Doctor Who status. According to the Press Association wire service:

Matt Smith has denied he’ll be following in the footsteps of his co-star Karen Gillan and leaving Doctor Who.

Matt won’t be bowing out of his role as The Doctor, telling The Graham Norton Show: “I am very happy to stay.

“I love it and love making the show.”

Smith went on to talk about enjoying the work of Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill who will be leaving the show, but that the very nature of Doctor Who calls on the tenure of companions to be limited at best.

Even though Smith is going to be around awhile, who would you fancy as a new Doctor? Do you think a woman could/should fill that role?