Look for Sony to amp up their mobile gaming game (wink wink) after seeing how Nintendo and Niantic’s Pokémon Go took the world by storm.

Pokémon Go may be losing players by the millions, but that doesn’t change the fact that the summer of 2016 was the summer of catching Pokémon IRL — for everyone in the world.

Naturally, Sony now wants in on that mobile gaming action, too.

Inspired by Nintendo and Niantic, chief executive Kaz Hirai says Sony is “aggressively getting into” mobile gaming.

“It’s quite a shift from being just a console-based business to being on mobile phones as well,” says Hirai, speaking to The Financial Times in Berlin.

Related: Pokémon GO announces Buddy feature: Make your own Ash/Pikachu team and earn rewards

Interestingly, Nintendo used to be one of the firmest resistors of mobile gaming. It has continued to develop handheld gaming devices alongside its consoles, and until recently has rejected advances to make GameBoy games available on smartphone devices.

But since its success with Pokémon Go, we’ll likely see a lot more gaming companies try to emulate the model of incorporating VR technology and the viral and social possibilities of such a massively popular franchise tie-in.

In essence, what this means is that rather than turning PS Vita games into smartphone apps, Sony will likely try to expand on its existing franchises with mobile-friendly game systems.

To this end, Sony Computer Entertainment has set up ForwardWorks Corporation, with the aim of making mobile apps based on PlayStation-specific properties.

Whether anything will be able to capture the world’s attention as successfully and overwhelmingly as Pokémon Go has done remains to be seen.

(Is anyone still playing, by the way? I’m locked in a fierce battle with my seven-year-old cousin, so there’s no way I’m stopping now…)