The next episode of The Newsroom is just days away, but who doesn’t love a quick look at Will behind the desk in the next episode?

The fourth episode of The Newsroom season 2, “Unintended Consequences,”airs Sunday night, and while it’s not long to wait, it’s always fun to get a quick look at what’s up next.

In this clip, we see Neal in the control room as his contact from the Occupy Wall Street movement is interviewed by Will for News Night.

We just can’t help but feel bad for Neal. He just can’t catch a break with this OWS story. Every time he thinks he has the angle that will sell it to Will and Mac, something happens to tank his momentum, and this is just one more example of that.

Covering Occupy Wall Street has gotten him a broken phone, mocked at meetings for being a reporter, arrested, and now he has to watch as Will rips apart the entire premise for the protest in a single meeting.

As far as the rest of the episode, it is sure to be a bit of a game changer because, as you can read in the official synopsis below, it seems that Neal’s Occupy Wall Street contact may know a few things to help with the Genoa tip and the News Night crew are pretty much looking for any help they can get on that front.

Official synopsis for “Unintended Consequences”
Maggie tries to convince Rebecca she’s fine following her shattering trip to Africa with Gary. An Occupy Wall Street protester with a Black Op lead refuses to cooperate with Neal and Jerry after an on-air interview with Will goes poorly. Jim lands Hallie a one-on-one but gets heat from Mac as a result.

What do you think about how ‘The Newsroom’ is covering the Occupy Wall Street movement?