A new musical will compete with Bombshell in the upcoming second season of Smash.

Bob Greenblatt, chairman of NBC Entertainment, confirmed the new details in an interview with Variety.

“The season-two plotline will also involve the emergence of a hot new musical that gives Bombshell a run for its money in terms of buzz and Tonys attention,” Variety reports. “And some of Bombshell‘s key players will defect to the new show.”

The composers at Smash are specifically looking to hire young composers and lyricists, with legitimate experience but who haven’t had a show on Broadway, to write the music for the competing musical.

Despite declining ratings during its first season, NBC renewed Smash because the show is an advertising magnet, Greenblatt explained.

“For the first time in a long time, we have advertisers telling us they specifically want to be in that show,” Greenblatt told Variety.

Read more from the interview at Variety.com.

The cast of Bombshell returns to television this winter. How do you think the new musical will affect Bombshell?