Sleepy Hollow aired its first season finale, and we’re already getting impatient for the second season! Check out our recap of the episode and tell us what you thought!

Zombie George Washington?!
-Ichabod learned how to text Abbie. How cute!
-Andy visits Abbie in her kitchen while Ichabod is researching the date on Washington’s Bible. What happened four days after he died?
-Flashback to Ichabod meeting with Washington, where he says good will rise like Lazarus from his grave.
-Moloch wants the Bible, according to Andy, and if Abbie gives it over she will have a high seat on Moloch’s new order.
-Andy doesn’t want Abbie to lose her soul to Moloch, and when she turns to call the Captain, he escapes.
-Ichabod doesn’t like his old flip phone, aha! If he can use Abbie’s phone for a few days he’ll get the same type. Cute.
-There’s an extra verse in the Bible coded with a secret message from Washington. There are instructions from Washington to Ichabod.
-Washington was resurrected after he died so he could draft a map from Earth to Purgatory. If they find the map, Ichabod can free Katrina from purgatory!

Ichabod, the Ladies Man
-The reverend who was killed earlier this season was there when Washington was resurrected. If they find the reverend’s prayer beads, filled with sin, perhaps Henry Parish can find out more about the map.
-Captain Irving is being interrogated to find out why someone would murder a priest and a cop.
-Abbie wants to be Moloch’s secret weapon, and Moloch wants him to find the map.
-A bunch of bats come and…freeze Andy somehow.
-Ichabod reveals he dated Betsy Ross. Hah!
-The prayer beads are hexed, and injure Henry as he tries to read them.

Beastly Beads
-Despite getting hurt in the process, Henry Parish still wants to attempt to read the beads.
-Parish saw Washington come to life, and boat across the shoreline carrying something. That’s it.
-Abbie doesn’t think the map should be found, but Ichabod believes that Washington left the map for him.
-If they enter purgatory and it opens the floodgates, Abbie thinks it would lead to Armageddon.
-Abbie says if there is a choice between Katrina and the greater good, would Ichabod sacrifice Katrina’s freedom?
-Demons start attacking them at the grave site, and Henry gets scratched.

Prophecy or Fantasy?
-They think the map is buried with Washington, according to Masonry tradition.
-There are two grave sites, though. Of course.
-Henry’s vision included a river, so they think Washington’s body is somewhere along the islands of the Hudson.
-And Andy comes out from his cocoon and is now monstrous and powerful and really, really slimy. Gross.
-They found the island they think Washington’s body and the map is on.
-Ichabod can find the map, but they don’t know if they should use it to find Katrina or keep it away.
-Abbie thinks that the prophecy of a witness crossing a witness is true, and that Ichabod will cross her. But Henry tells her sometimes a story is just a story.
-They found Washington’s secret grave!

Washington’s Teeth Were PERFECT
-The police are taking some DNA samples from Macy because they found DNA on the murdered priest’s neck.
-Despite Captain Irving telling them the truth, they don’t believe it. If forensics finds a match, they’re going to arrest Macy.
-Abbie and Ichabod find Washington’s grave and it’s a huge crypt. So they’re looking for the body and the map.
-They’re an emblem for Cincinnatus, Washington’s hero. Ichabod puts a ring into the wall and the actual grave comes out.
-They find the map in Washington’s old mummified hands. Gross.
-But now Andy has found them.

War is Coming
-Abbie tries to shoot Andy but obviously it fails. Stop with the guns!
-Henry tries to save Abbie, but gets punched. He’s weakened and tells Abbie to destroy the map and tells Abbie to kill him. She shoots him in the head.
-When Andy came in, he blocked the entrance, but they find another way out through the crypt that Washington’s coffin was in.
-Abbie shoots the lever from the pyramid that was in the middle of the room as they run to the exit, and Andy gets trapped.
-Once out of there, Abbie tells Ichabod that Andy said “destroy the map.” Ichabod fights with the decision of whether he should or not.
-Ichabod does not want to betray Abbie’s trust and does not want a prophecy to decide their fate, so he burns the map.
-Captain Irving confesses to the murders to keep Macy out of it.
-Ichabod, despite burning the map, has a photographic memory and is now redrawing it exactly as he saw it. He can’t give up on Katrina.
-Henry Parish has a dream of Moloch summoning the Horsemen from the dead.
-Ichabod finds himself in the middle of a reenactment of one of the Revolutionary War battles. HAH! So he buys the same exact outfit from the girl selling the clothes.
-He gets a call from Henry Parish to tell him to meet.
-At the meeting, Moloch raises a creature from in front of four white trees.
-They believe the second of the Four Horsemen is on its way to Sleepy Hollow.
-It’s the 13th anniversary that Abbie and Jenny saw Moloch in the forest.

A Gateway to Purgatory
-Ichabod explains that they can use a spell to stop the second horseman from coming. He tells Abbie he memorized the map.
-Now they want to go find Katrina so she can perform the spell.
-Abbie wants Jenny to go through hundreds of hours of tapes that the Sheriff made with the reverend before he dies.
-Abbie and Jenny have a conversation that bonds them as sisters, awww. They talk about their childhood and how they’ll be there for each other now.
-Henry explains that purgatory is a world of temptation, and if they even for a moment think the world they’re in is true, then they will be imprisoned there.
-They enter the gate.

Temptation of Food and Drink
-Abbie is in the Sheriff’s cabin and the Sheriff and Andy are there telling her that she’s having normal side affects of an injury. She misses the Sheriff, and can’t remember what she’s supposed to.
-Ichabod is home in England, and there’s a welcome party for him. Including his father.
-When Ichabod turned against England, his father denounced him as his son. This version of his dad still loves him.
-Both Ichabod and Abbie are offered food/drink. They’re not supposed to drink or eat, remember.
-Abbie manages to not eat the pie, and gets sucked through the doorway of the cabin.
-Meanwhile, Ichabod almost drinks but manages to not do it. He also gets sucked through a doorway.

Switching Souls
-Meanwhile, Jenny is listening to the tapes the Sheriff recorded, and he states there might be answers in the ruins of the old Trinity Church.
-Ichabod is in a field filled with random bodies and creepy people, and he finds Abbie in the ground.
-They find the church, but it’s surrounded by lost souls searching for salvation.
-Katrina can’t leave Purgatory without forgiveness, if she does, it will rip the wall down between the worlds.
-There is an alternative, though. It requires a sacrifice.
-Katrina’s soul can leave the realm but only if another were to take her place.

The Saint’s Name is a Sign
-Abbie wants to stay in Purgatory for Katrina, but so does Ichabod. Abbie wants to face Moloch. It’s her turn to fight.
-If Abbie stays, then the prophecy will be fulfilled.
-Katrina gives Abbie a necklace that will protect her from Moloch, and Ichabod leaves with Katrina.
-Abbie gets attacked by Moloch, but the necklace keeps her safe. She runs away.
-Katrina performs a spell to find where Moloch will raise the horseman. They find the four white trees where it happens.
-Jenny goes to Trinity church, but doesn’t know what to look for. She finds something buried at the church: a sign. As she calls Abbie to warn her that “The Saint’s name is a sign,” and she can’t trust someone, the headless horseman flips her car.

The Second Horseman
-Abbie is running from Moloch and lands in a cartoonish house with “Don’t get scared” written on the walls.
-She finds the young version of herself and Jenny, and they’re in the dollhouse that they used to own.
-Turns out that when Jenny and Abbie blacked out, they actually saw more, and Moloch kept the memory away to hide the truth.
-Henry turns out to actually be evil! He traps Ichabod and Katrina against the trees and explains that he was just playing his part.
-Jenny and Abbie were sent to the four trees 13 years ago to stop Moloch. They didn’t black out; they saw Henry Parish being dug out from the ground.
-Henry Parish is Ichabod and Katrina’s son! His name is Jeremy.
-When Katrina’s coven buried Jeremy, Jeremy’s blood was strong enough to give his lungs life.
-For two hundred years, Jeremy was feeding on the vines that kept creeping on his grave. After those several years, he heard a voice, Moloch’s voice (who he calls his true father), offering salvation.
-Moloch came to unearth Jeremy, and that’s when Jenny and Abbie were there. But they weren’t strong enough then.
-Abbie finds this out and tries to get out of Purgatory.
-Jeremy took the name of the church, Saint Henry’s Parish, to spite him.
-The Headless Horseman arrives, and takes Katrina off with him.
-Jeremy states that war isn’t coming to Sleepy Hollow, it’s been there all along.
-Jeremy/Henry Parish is also the second Horseman of the apocalypse! And he breaks a sacred seal, which buries Ichabod in his old grave, and the episode ends with him and Abbie trapped.

What did you think of the ‘Sleepy Hollow’ season finale?