Sleepy Hollow season 2, episode 8, “Heartless,” saw our favorite Sleepy Hollow residents take on the incredible legend that is the succubus.

Marital Problems

Ichabod and Katrina are bonding again, this time over reality shows like the Bachelor. It doesn’t last long before they get in a mini argument about how many lies Katrina has told. Abbie then gets back to the cabin and lets them know it’s been over a week since Henry attacked and he’s gotta be planning something, so they decide to track his movements and anything he files petitions for.

Henry, of course, is planning something. We see him with a beating heart that he uses to perform a spell with, one that summons a naked young woman. That woman is then seen at a night club, and approaches a cute nerd. She asks the guy to dance, which apparently is code for sex in the car, and kills him before they manage to get it on by sucking out his life force. She then returns to Henry and deposits his life force in the same jar we saw Henry use at the end of last week, but Henry says he needs more so she targets another person at a cafe.

Hawley Gets Some

Abbie and Ichabod show up to the scene and figure out it’s definitely supernatural. They go back to the archives to figure out what it is, and then Katrina realizes that the creature was aiming for the guy’s life force, proved by the markings on his body. She also mentions to Ichabod that they can use a mystic artifact to perhaps kill the creature, so Abbie goes to see Hawley.

Hawley won’t give anything up, though, because clearly he’s not interested unless it serves him. So Abbie leaves, but then the woman who’s attacked the previous two victims starts eying him, and he takes her back to his boat. Katrina then realizes at the cabin that it’s a succubus they’re fighting, and that they feed on desires, hence why it’s coming after Hawley. Katrina is able to use a tracking spell to find the succubus, and they find her at the docks by Hawley’s boat. Luckily the team manages to get there in time and save Hawley from being killed, which convinces him he should probably help them out.

Moloch Lives

Through-out the episode, Katrina keeps having visions of Henry and a baby. Frightening dreams/nightmares, Katrina then realizes that these aren’t anything to put aside, she’s actually seeing things as they happen. She also realizes that the demon that was inside of her is actually still alive, and in her old house being raised by Henry. He’s using the succubus’ energy to nurture the demon: Moloch.

Now the team has to deal with the fact that Moloch is alive because apparently they didn’t get rid of him with the aurora last week. But Katrina is psychically linked to Moloch some how, she can see what he sees. This then causes Katrina and Abbie get into an argument about whether or not Henry is worth saving, and Ichabod has to break it up. They each go their own separate ways to figure out this succubus business so they don’t have to get into an argument again.

After researching they realize that the creature they came against is called the Incordata, and to get rid of the creature they have to find the creature’s heart and kill it before they can kill it’s body. Katrina says it has to be in consecrated ground like a cemetery, and Abbie realizes that Henry purchased land on a cemetery so they decide to go after it. While they track down the heart, Ichabod and Hawley go to find the beast.

Rats and Maggots

Ichabod and Hawley go to the nightclub since they think that’s the place they can run into the succubus again, and Ichabod ends up being locked in a room with the thing.

While Ichabod struggles with her, Abbie and Katrina find the heart in a jar that’s hexed to prevent them from seeing what’s inside, but they manage to get to it despite Abbie having to dig into a jar filled with fake magots. As Katrina starts the spell to kill the heart she gets shocked by the vase it was in and passes out, so Abbie has to finish it. Abbie does manage to finish the spell, and therefore Ichabod and Hawley are able to kill the succubus.

Adorable Demon

After the events, Katrina and Abbie make amends and Katrina tells Abbie that she realizes she has to destroy Moloch to get Henry back. She thinks that since Abraham is still in love with her, she can play him in order to get close enough to kill Moloch. Katrina doesn’t want to tell Ichabod herself, so she asks Abbie to tell him for her. Needless to say he’s not happy about it but at least he understands.

Abbie gets to the cabin and gives Hawley what’s left of the succubus’ heart as payment for his help in defeating her, and it’s clear that Hawley definitely has a crush on her and it’s not necessarily a one way street.

When Katrina gets back to the cabin, unfortunately for her the Moloch/creature she saw is not nearly as ugly as it was in her visions. Moloch has risen, but in a true baby’s form. He’s adorable!

What did you think of tonight’s episode of ‘Sleepy Hollow’?