We had a hectic day yesterday when there was mass confusion concerning tickets for J.K. Rowling’s New York City Casual Vacancy event. However, we were also given an amazing new photo of our favorite author.

This shot, where Rowling wears a shocked look on her face, came from a one-on-one conversation between her and Dan Radcliffe after Rowling realized they both love the same film.

We took this and created a new meme called “Shocked Rowling.” Shocked Rowling reacts to all of the Harry Potter madness that has occurred over the years.

For starters, let’s see her reaction to the past couple days…

Shocked Rowling’s reaction to other events in the Potter fandom…

And for when we finally learn which Pottermore house she’s in…

Shocked Rowling and her reactions were written by Hypable staff.