Every week, ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Which were your favorite partners and pairings this week?

Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink? If you love shipping, you know the drama that shipping wars bring. Your ships don’t have to be canon for you to love them, and that’s half the fun.

Remember, if we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or in the comments below.

‘Outlander’ – All Aboard Jamie/Claire

Passengers: Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall Fraser

Sunset Cruise: It’s a hard job bedding former virgin Jamie Fraser, but someone’s got to do it, cheesy feeling like God jokes and all. Who needs that Frank guy…or maybe…well come to think about it…Frank, Frank, Frank! She wants Frank…or maybe Jamie…or…you get the idea.

Ship Status: Dangerous waters lie ahead. The ship was wobbling enough as it was. If things aren’t complicated now, there’s a cliffhanger waiting to be solved in April. If Jamie saves the day, will Claire willingly stay with him?

Outlander season 1, episode 8
Via: Tumblr

‘Doctor Who’ – Danny/Clara

Passengers: Danny Pink and Clara Oswald

Sunset Cruise: These two have been trying to get together since the first episode this season. Everything that could have gone wrong has, between disastrous dates to just not being available. Finally Danny knows who Clara is, sort of, and he’s not running off even when Clara blurts out “I love him.”

Ship Status: Her Majesty’s Vessel, Good Enough For You, has launched with full confidence ahead! Let’s hope lying doesn’t torpedo this one.

Via: Tumblr
Doctor Who season 8, episode 6

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – Meredith/Derek

Passengers: Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey

Sunset Cruise: Derek’s decision to leave Seattle for a government position in DC began the entire pressure cooker of emotions between the soon-to-be cross country couple last season. Amelia Shepherd snaps Derek out of his righteous funk by saying that both of them are not wrong for wanting the lives they want, on whichever coast they choose. When Derek witnesses a man on the brink of death longing to be with his family, he reconsiders his government job offer. After calling the president, or more likely five people removed from the president, Derek announces to Meredith that he is staying in Seattle. Yay? Instead of running into a fit of happy tears, Meredith goes to the bar and orders a tequila.

Ship Status: Rough Seas Ahead! It’s not like this one ended in romance, flowers, and make up time in bed. Tequila is never a good sign.

Grey’s Anatomy season 11, episode 1
Via: Tumblr

‘How to Get Away With Murder’ – All Aboard Annalise/Nate

Passengers: Annalise Keating and Nate Leahy

Sunset Cruise: You’d think that these folks would learn to check that the door was locked even if the staff was supposed to have done it. Then again, maybe they were a bit distracted. Never mind hot, young law students, the seasoned vets are getting it on. Regardless, Annalise is playing a dangerous game mixing it up with the police force even if he seems to have one of her favorite qualities: exceptional oral skills.

Ship Status: Hmm, hop aboard the, “It seemed like such a good idea at the time,” and her sister vessel, “Don’t be offended, it’s just business.”

How to Get Away With Murder season 1, episode 1
Via: Tumblr

What were your favorite ships on television this week?