Ships this week are led by WestAllen, OutlawQueen and more. Every week, ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Which were your favorite partners and pairings this week?

Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink? If you love shipping, you know the drama that shipping wars bring. Your ships don’t have to be canon for you to love them, and that’s half the fun.

Remember, if we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or in the comments below.

‘Outlander’ – All Aboard Jamie and Claire

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Passengers: Jamie and Claire Fraser

Sunset Cruise: After a long day filled with drama, Claire reveals to Jamie that she doesn’t think she can have children. Even though family is at the top of Jamie’s list of important things in life he tells Claire that perhaps it’s for the best, “I can bear pain myself, but I couldna bear yours. That would take more strength than I have.”

Ship Status: This ship is stronger than ever. Obstacles keep getting thrown in their path and they steam right over or around them.

‘Once Upon a Time’ – All Aboard Outlaw Queen

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Passengers: Regina and Robin

Sunset Cruise: After months of being apart, Regina and Robin reunite in New York City, and it’s obvious that their feelings for each other haven’t changed. Only thing is, there’s one hell of an extra complication.

Ship Status: Right now the ship is struggling to keep afloat due to major hull damage called Zelena. Normally we’d expect Robin and Regina to throw Zelena overboard as they sail into the sunset with Roland aboard. Now, we just have a whole lot of vessels (SwanQueen, OutlawQueen, CaptainSwan) in the water that are bumping into each other, and they don’t really have a clue what they are doing.

‘Game of Thrones’ – All Aboard Tommen and Margaery

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Passengers: Tommen Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell

Sunset Cruise: Aw, wedding nights. Aren’t they sweet? We were kind of stuck between going, “Oh my God! Tommen’s too young!” to laughing at Tommen wearing Margaery out.

Ship Status: We’re not really sure if we are sailing on the vessel Agh! My Eyes or her sister ship LOL. Regardless, between the fact that only the good die young, and average crowned Baratheon life expectancy, we won’t have to be on this cruise for long.

On page 2: ‘The Flash,’ ‘iZombie,’ ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ and ‘Orphan Black’

‘The Flash’ – All Aboard WestAllen

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Passengers: Barry Allen and Iris West

Sunset Cruise: After discovering a newspaper from the future, Barry sees the byline of the lead article: one Iris West-Allen. That’s right; in 2024, Barry will be married to the love of his life.

Ship Status: Well hello there future fantasy cruise. Anyone want to lay odds on how many times Barry screws this one up before 2024?

‘iZombie’ – All Aboard Cliv

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Passengers: Clive and Liv

Sunset Cruise: Throughout Liv’s maternal brain stint, Clive was noticeably a LOT warmer to our dead alabaster badass. Whenever Liv would worry over him or dote, Clive seemed to really tune into her in a way we haven’t seen with any other character.

Ship Status: This new ship could be trouble for the existing Livwell, especially after Liv’s consistently fun interactions with the Brit.

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – All Aboard Catherine and Richard

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Passengers: Catherine Avery and Richard Webber

Sunset Cruise: A year passes by as Grey’s Anatomy attempts to show the doctors moving on with their lives after Derek’s passing. Wedding bells are ringing for one relationship that kicks it into high gear. Catherine Avery and Richard Webber decide to meet in the middle and proclaim their love in ways that are out of character, but just as meaningful to the other.

Ship Status: It’s a nice new cruise, but we are still mourning Merder. Maybe it’s been a year for them, but not for us.

‘Orphan Black’ – All Aboard Alison and Donnie

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Passengers: Alison Hendrix and Donnie Hendirx

Sunset Cruise: Nothing says “I love you” like becoming drug dealers in a bid to win a school board election. These two are linked in their near psychopathic dysfunction.

Ship Status: We suppose we should be happy that this cruise is only about being “pharmaceutical entrepreneurs” at the moment. Let’s hope they don’t decide to kill any competing vessels!

Which ship was your favorite this week?