Ships this week are led by Jamie and Claire, Olicity, Livwell and more. Every week, ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Which were your favorite partners and pairings this week?

Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink? If you love shipping, you know the drama that shipping wars bring. Your ships don’t have to be canon for you to love them, and that’s half the fun.

Remember, if we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or in the comments below.

‘Outlander’ – All Aboard Jamie and Claire

Passengers: Jamie and Claire Fraser

Sunset Cruise: In a tough to watch episode, the factor driving all of the action was Jamie and Claire’s love for each other.

Ship Status: This is the ship that is unbreakable. Don’t worry Jamie, Claire is going to rally a flotilla to rescue you!

‘Once Upon a Time’ – All Aboard CaptainSwan

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Passengers: Hook and Emma

Sunset Cruise: If Belle and Rumpel can make it work, who’s to say that the new dark one and her pirate boyfriend can’t? Especially after Emma finally declared her love out loud! Now that Emma is the Dark One, she and Hook will certainly have much bigger challenges in their path than living with her parents when season 5 returns this fall.

Ship Status: If anyone can rescue this cruise, it’s our pirate co-captain. He’ll rally every vessel in the harbor to his aide, especially Snowing and OutlawQueen.

‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ – All Aboard FitzSimmons

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Passengers: Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons

Sunset Cruise: After an entire bloody season of completely avoiding the issue, Simmons tried to talk to Fitz about his underwater confession of love last year. Fitz rebuffed her, until Simmons hinted that there was something specific she wanted to talk about – in other words, yeah Fitz, she’s finally into you! Later, Fitz managed to ask Simmons out to dinner, and the two sailed off into a beautiful science-y sunset.

Ship Status: Okay, no, they didn’t. After making plans for dinner, Simmons was sucked into that weird Kree stone, leaving the HMS FitzSimmons listing in confused circles, and fans howling for blood. Is this the end for Simmons? Will the two adorable nerds triumph over alien adversity? There’s just no way to know, so we’re docking this bloody boat until September.

On page 2: ‘The Flash,’ ‘iZombie,’ ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ and ‘Arrow’

‘The Flash’ – All Aboard Iris and Eddie

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Passengers: Iris West and Eddie Thawne

Sunset Cruise: Iris finds the engagement ring Eddie had planned to use to propose after the team rescues him, but rather than propose, Eddie breaks up with Iris after Wells revealed that Iris marries Barry in the future. He’s always felt there were three people in the relationship — him, Iris, and Barry — and he wants more than that.

Ship Status: Man overboard, man overboard, abandon ship! This one is going down down down as WestAllen sails stronger than ever.

‘iZombie’ – All Aboard Livwell

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Passengers: Liv and Lowell

Sunset Cruise: We’ve waited long enough for this moment. FINALLY Lowell tells Liv he loves her, albeit with horrible timing. She ends up forgiving him for eating homeless kids’ brains, but it seems as though he’s been shot in the head as the episode wraps. Can zombie love survive via an after-after life?

Ship Status: Zombie shipping is so complicated. We’re not really sure where we are sailing folks, because we’re not sure how this one works out, or what the rules are.

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – All Aboard Japril

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Passengers: Jackson Avery and April Kepner

Sunset Cruise: The grieving process for April and Jackson since they lost their son midseason pulled them further and further apart, until April eventually left to serve as an army surgeon for a year. She feels a greater pull towards the adrenaline rush of the military than she does to Jackson. But Jackson is not sure that he can wait around for her to let him grieve much longer.

Ship Status: Although they still love each other, sometimes love isn’t enough. This cruise may be over by the captains mutually torpedoing the hull.

‘Arrow’ – All Aboard Olicity

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Passengers: Oliver and Felicity

Sunset Cruise: Oliver, after returning to the team, confesses to Felicity that since his confrontation with Ra’s al Ghul, he’s had a recurring dream about running away with her instead. After the team saves the city, Oliver decides to retire from superheroing and literally drives off into the sunset with Felicity at his side.

Ship Status: This cruise is strongly sailing for now, but given past history, they better watch out for sharks in the water waiting to devour them.

Which ship was your favorite this week?