Shipping. For the uninformed, no, we aren’t talking international commerce. Every week ships, A.K.A. relationships, are highlighted on our favorite TV shows. Did your favorite ship sail this week, did a new one launch, or did yours sadly sink?

Nothing brings out the passion in fandom like shipping. We all have couples that we root for and give us a warm and fuzzy feeling whenever they are together. Or maybe they’re just wishful thinking, but hey, you never know what might happen in that writer’s room.

In this new Hypable weekly feature, our TV writers are going to highlight some of the best shipping moments from their fandoms. They don’t necessarily have to be hardcore canon (let’s face it, canon takes half the fun out of shipping), but they are there if you read between the lines for fans that love that ship.

So if you celebrate Sherlolly, SwanQueen, Michonne, Destiel, SanSan, and many more, check us out each week. Below are our picks for this week. If we didn’t include your favorite, give a suggestion to the writer who usually covers your fandom in the recap discussion or the comments below.

‘The Walking Dead’ – All Aboard Bethyl

Passengers: Beth Green and Daryl Dixon

Sunset Cruise: On the run in the zombie apocolypse, Daryl and Beth continue to get closer than ever before with Daryl giving Beth tracking lessons, carrying her (twice) when she was injured, and finally longing looks over the white trash brunch when he all but admits she changed his life.

Ship Status: SOS! Pirates have Beth!

The Walking Dead season 4, episode 13
Via: Tumblr

‘Once Upon A Time’ – All Aboard CaptainSwan

Passengers: Emma Swan and Captain Hook

Sunset Cruise: Emma is torn between continuing a life built on a lie with a man she loves or choosing to trust her gut, and remembering the life that was washed away. Hook holds onto the possibility that once Emma remembers the events of her time in Neverland, he may gain a second chance to win her over for good.

Ship Status: Start the happy hour, but it’s not time to crack the champagne just yet.

Via: Tumblr
Once Upon a Time season 3, episode 13

‘Teen Wolf’ – All Aboard Scira

Passengers: Scott McCall and Kira

Sunset Cruise: After losing track of Stiles again, Scott lets Kira crash in his room. Ever the gentleman, he takes the chair while she takes the bed, but Kira doesn’t want to be alone. Joining her, the two share their first kiss and then get some rest before they have to battle the supernatural creatures of Beacon Hills once more.

Ship Status: Hallelujah! Fire those canon cannons, the Love Boat has finally left port!

Teen Wolf season 3, episode 22
Via: Tumblr

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ – All Aboard Calzona

Passengers: Callie Torres and Arizona Robbins

Sunset Cruise: The hits just keep coming for Callie in this week’s episode. After sitting through an HR hearing for accusations brought on by a fling Arizona had and losing her research with Derek to a research facility in DC, Callie returns home ready for a break from it all. However, she discovers that no matter what problems she must overcome, if she cannot help Arizona rebuild her life, none of the rest matters.

Ship Status: Holding on tight in rocky waters.

Grey’s Anantomy season 10, episode 15
Via: Tumblr

‘Scandal’ – All Aboard Jamus

Passengers: James Novak and Cyrus Beene

Sunset Cruise: Cyrus and James came clean to one another about their missteps this season. James was Publius, Cyrus set him up. Who’s really at fault? Cyrus is taking all of the blame himself, and maybe their big talk towards the end of the episode suggests it was James who got shot at the very end by Jake.

Ship Status: Man the bilge pumps, the waterworks have started.

Via: Tumblr
Scandal season 3, episode 14

What were your favorite ships on television this week?