Sherlock series 3 has been filming in outdoor, public London locations, and unsurprisingly, photos from the set have surfaced online.

These latest set photos show quite the interesting scene taking place: Sherlock is taking his jump, which we saw the cliffhanger of at the end of series 2. These may help us decipher how Sherlock survived the fall.

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Though it’s hard to say for sure, it looks like Sherlock may have had someone else jump for him. We’re guessing this is because in some photos we can see Benedict Cumberbatch running into place and purposely falling onto the ground as onlookers take away another body, which looks just like Sherlock’s.

In other photos we see Cumberbatch himself suspended mid air, presumably to get a close look at his face while he’s falling. You’ll also see a few pics of Mycroft Holmes and Jim Moriarty meeting with one another and shaking hands. Some speculate this could be a flashback of sorts, but it’s also worth noting that the latter character is wearing a jacket that looks just like Sherlock’s.

We’re eager to hear fans’ interpretation of what these scenes are depicting and what this may mean for how Sherlock survived the fall. The question has been at the forefront of everyone’s minds since the series 2 finale.

This morning we learned that production on Sherlock series 3, episode 2 will begin this week. The episode is believed to incorporate a wedding – and you can learn more about who may be getting hitched at this link. The show is expected to debut on the BBC later this year.

Thanks to Zimbio for the photos.

How do you think Sherlock survived the fall?