Five quotes from this week’s Shannara Chronicles episode that will set the tone for the rest of the season.

This was a pivotal week for the Shannara Chronicles crew. Not only did the action take off, the interpersonal relationships really started to develop as well.

Hidden inside many of these conversations there were clues about upcoming aspects of the show. To showcase these moments, we picked the five most powerful quotes used for foreshadowing.

“Whatever you think you knew about your father, always remember that he carried you in his heart. Like any father would.”

This quote really stands out for its double meaning. Not only does it force Wil to reconsider his relationship with his father, it’s also acts as a confession from Allanon as well. So far this is the closest we’ve come to Allanon even mentioning that he might care for his daughter Mareth. The subtle tell he displays affects her instantly and deeply. Hopefully this the first step in many that will bring the two of them together.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” “What you do best mother — negotiating.”

Watch out everyone, we got a new player on the board and her name is Lyria! Initially you might have guessed we would pick Eretria’s line, “You really have no idea how much power you have.” But since this is the moment that Lyria officially asserts that power, it seemed like the better choice. She’s not interested in being a pawn in her mother’s game anymore. It’s time to come to the table and start making demands on her own. Something that’s bound to have drastic effects down the line.

“Some people just come into the world damaged. Like a lame foal, there’s no fixing it. You just put it down.”

This quote didn’t come from any of our main characters but its significance can’t be denied. Bandon’s entire journey this season seems to be resting on this idea of innate goodness/evil. Are people set in stone, or are we malleable enough to learn? It’s a question as old as civilization itself. One that has enough power to fuel Bandon’s story for ages to come.

“Think of it as a reminder of what could happen to your people should you not honor your arrangement. Because when it comes to the Warlock Lord, debts are always paid.”

Being backed into a corner isn’t a good look on you Queen Tamlin. In this episode we learned how the kingdom of Leah managed to protect itself for so many years. By making deals with devils and hoping they never call to collect. Unfortunately for Tamlin, the clock is ticking and some very uncomfortable truths are going to need to be recognized. There’s no doubt that we’ll see the effects of this quote later.

“You’ve underestimated me for the last time.”

The important thing to remember about this quote, is that it comes right before Ander sentences one of his childhood friends to death. It’s kind of hard to feel sympathy for Edain in this situation. We, the audience, have only had a few episodes to make his acquaintance. But for Ander this has to be a huge deal. This is him acting as a ruler and taking on horrific duties in order to protect his people. Sacrifices have to be made, and this is probably the first for Ander in a long line.

Bonus ‘quote’

I’m fudging this one a bit. Technically there are no words used in this moment from the episode but it seems hugely significant so we should probably recognize it. Back in season one of The Shannara Chronicles, Amberle’s visions from the Elcrys tree looked eerily similar to what Garet keeps seeing. There’s every chance he could simply be experiencing some sort of PTSD flashback, right now it’s too soon to tell, but the visuals are so strikingly reminiscent to Amberle’s that it doesn’t seem like a coincidence. Either way, these flashes are definitely going to have some importance in future episodes. It’s best to start tracking them now.

The Shannara Chronicles airs Wednesdays, at 10 PM on Spike TV.