Hypable’s Shadowhunters Worry Report wraps up who we’re concerned about, who is on the fringe, and whose story arc is just too devastating to even think about. Join us as we panic.

Shadowhunters season 3 has us on edge. With so much going on in every story line, it’s hard to know where to place our concern. Each week, we rank the characters we feel are on the brink of a breakdown, whose days are numbered, or who we simply cannot look at without feeling some butterflies in our stomach.

Woof. How does one even begin to process the events of Shadowhunters season 3, episode 7, “Salt in the Wound?” From the Clace fight to the loss characters due to Lilith’s war path to Maia and Jordan’s origin story, it’s almost too much for one episode.

But Shadowhunters managed to deliver all the right emotional punches. An hour flew by as we watched Simon and Luke dig deeper into their investigation surrounding Ollie’s disappearance. As Maia and Jordan processed their sudden reappearance in each other’s lives. And as Izzy and Alec took in the news that their brother was under the control of the mother of all demons.

Shadowhunters 3×07 review: Don’t you walk away from me

Coming off of “Salt in the Wound” it became clear that this list could include practically anyone in this universe (even mundanes). Lilith is not slowing down any time soon, the Clave is likely going to be on high alert now that Imogen is dead, and secrets are bound to flow following the break in at the cemetery of the disgraced.

Runners up this week include Luke, Alec, and anyone who so much as blinks wrong in Lilith’s presence.

5. Ollie (previously unranked)

Possessed by a demon? Check.

Killed her mother? Check.

Her girlfriend Sam out in the mundane world spewing ideas of werewolves and demons? Check.

I think that’s enough of a case to feel quite a bit of concern for one mundane.

4. Magnus Bane (previously unranked)

Something about Magnus struck me this week. With Alec running around trying to balance life at the Institute, his absence from Jace’s life, and his concerns about his future with Magnus, it’s easy to forget the one left at home. Especially when that person has proven to be a rock for nearly everyone over the past few episodes.

However, I cannot remember the last time I saw a genuine smile from Magnus Bane.

He no longer holds his post as the High Warlock, an issue I don’t think the show has given a fair amount of time to unpack. Save for one conversation between Alec and Magnus, I do believe the show is giving us more “show not tell” moments as we witness his adjustment to the life of client services.

Magnus also harbors his own unique troubles as he strives to find what works for both him and Alec in their budding relationship. With centuries of experience and knowledge, how can he find a way to ground Alec in the present with him?

Then there are the nightmares concerning his mother and father. Those haunting visuals have not left me, and I’m sure they have not fully left Magnus either. He is trying his best to put on a brave face, but when he is left behind closed doors with Catarina, he lets off a little steam.

Here he can toy with self-doubt, let the weight of his responsibility in the Jace matter out, and simply be vulnerable. I’m hopeful he and Alec will reach a moment where the dust has settled and they can experience this together instead of in isolated pockets.

But for now, as the stress around Magnus builds (thanks, Clary for the possessed human you just portaled into my living room with my boyfriend!) I’m nervous he’ll reach a point where those pent up emotions will need to come out. And it won’t be in a nice controlled manner.

3. Clary Fairchild (previously 2)

There is likely no “safer” place than being locked up in Alicante. Unless, of course, you are caught in the cemetery digging up your father’s grave with the Inquisitor of the Clave lying dead in her office. These are the circumstances Clary currently finds herself dealing with at the close of “Salt in the Wound.”

This episode was a not an easy one for Clary to traverse. Let’s review:

  1. The man she loves held her over a ledge told her he doesn’t love her anymore and threw her off the roof.
  2. She had to tell her friends, the people who took her into this world and showed her how to become a part of their universe, that she used the most sacred wish to bring Jace back to life.
  3. She continually struggles with the burden of feeling personally responsible for everything that Jace is going through.
  4. Now she is in prison for trying to give Jace the best chance at escaping Lilith’s hold on him.

That’s certainly not how I’d like to spend 24 hours. Clary’s just trying to carve out a space for herself in this world. She wants go on a couple missions, spend some quality time with her best friends and boyfriend. And who could blame her? But some demons just can’t let their sleeping experiment sons lie in peace.

2. Jace Herondale (previously 1)

“Salt in the Wound” made one very clear point – the Jace we knew is no longer responsive. Jace is buried so deep inside the Owl, he’s now completely enveloped by the grasp Lilith has over him.

It’s incredibly unnerving to physically see Jace, but not recognize him at the same time. (It reminds me of the Angel/Angelus dynamic, where David Boreanez can disappear so well behind Angelus that it makes you almost forget that Angel existed.)

Coupled with the possession, is, of course, Magnus’ love potion. Stripping away his love for Clary leaves only one part of Jace left to plead with — his love for his family. With Alec and Izzy up against Jace in the teaser for “A Heart of Darkness” it doesn’t look like those conversations are going to end well for either party.

1. Simon Lewis (previously unranked)

Simon’s Daylighter abilities mean a great deal to the Seelie Queen. Why else would she brand him with the Mark of Cain? With her motives under wraps for now, Simon attempts to live his life free of conflict. Under the protection of the Prater Lupus, Simon and Jordan attempt to figure out what actions result in his head creating some powerful forcefield around him.

Why then is someone who has the most protection topping our list this week? Because he vaporized the worst two people possible – disciples of Lilith. Now the Seelie Queen’s cryptic plan intertwines with the wrath of Lilith. In no way does this combination point to good news for Simon.

Simon is our purest hero. He’s honest to a fault, he puts his needs behind almost everyone else around him, and finds a way to ensure that everyone (even those he is not too fond of *cough*Jace*cough*) is taken care of. In “Salt in the Wound” alone, he stepped in to help Luke locate and possibly rescue Ollie, held Clary’s blood-soaked hand until he could get her to help, and thoughtfully split his time between helping his best friend and his girlfriend with their respective traumas.

And while it looks as though he will have the full protection of the Seelie Court against Lilith, that still leaves him in their control.

Nothing bodes well for Simon. Especially as the others are currently preoccupied dealing with their own demonic issues.

Shadowhunters 3×06 Worry Report: What happens to Jace from here?

Shadowhunters season 3 airs new episodes Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. ET on Freeform.