Katara is an amazing human being who has taught us a lot of life lessons. Check out how our favorite The Last Airbender character has changed our life forever!

Love unconditionally

Katara wanted to make 100% sure that she was ready to commit to Aang, thus her reaction to his kiss in “The Ember Island Players.” Her reluctance in this moment demonstrated how she looks to only share her love with those she knows she can commit her whole self to.

Their eventual pairing and offspring demonstrates that things between Kataang worked out for the better, half because Katara was so committed to Aang.

Use the resources available to you

Trapped in a wooden box with Toph, Katara was at a loss for how to escape her prison.

After realizing that there wasn’t any water in the atmosphere, she nearly conceded defeat. Wiping her brow, she realized that her body produced bendable liquid in the form of sweat. Here, Katara taught us that there’s alway something to help us out of the, er, sticky situation we’re in if we’re willing to look in unusual places.

An eye for an eye makes everyone a loser

Angered by the ruthless murder of her mother when the Fire Nation attacked her village at a young age, Katara eventually became Hell-bent on finding the man who had dealt the final blow.

After a false lead, she finally found the very man with 100% certainty. With icicles ready to impale the man, she made a huge decision in sparing the murderer’s life. We respect Katara’s drive to find this closure, but respect her all the more for realizing that senselessly taking the life of another would only continue the murderous chain of events.

Fool me once…

Stuck in an underground cavern with Zuko, she warmed up enough to him to offer to heal the scar on his face permanently. However, he chose to turn his back on Katara, leaving our favorite Waterbender jaded.

Later, Zuko tries to join the Gaang, only to be vehemently shut out by Katara, and for good reason. Although she didn’t want to take revenge on Zuko, she knew that she had to tread lightly with this confused Firebending prince. Thankfully, things turned out fine between the two, but we’re still grateful that she exuded the caution that she initially did toward Zuko.

Teach everyone you’ve met a lesson

Katara wanted to make sure that her children stuck together, telling them at the end of The Legend of Korra 2×01 “When you get to be my age, you’ll be thankful for the time you had with your siblings.” Katara’s advice here reflects the benefits of the awesome relationship that Katara and Sokka maintained through all of the strife of their lives.

We’ll never forget the lessons we’ve learned from Katara, and are very spoiled that we get to see more of this extraordinary woman in The Legend of Korra!

What’s the biggest lesson Katara’s taught you?

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