Nothing beats an exciting trailer to get our pulse pumping, and the The Legend of Korra season 2 one is no different!

Picking our favorite moments in such an epic trailer is absolutely horrific, yet somehow wonderful at the same time.

By analyzing each and every frame to find the perfect moments to feature, we were discovered all new details and glimpses the ordinary viewer may have missed.

Seriously, if this trailer doesn’t get you as excited as we are for The Legend of Korra season 2, we’re not sure what will.

Now, for the GIFs…

Korra connecting with past Avatars

Because nothing says epic like reincarnations. Avatar Kyoshi will be making a much welcomed return in The Legend of Korra season 2, pleasing many-a fangirls.

Mako’s duck, roll and punch

We love ourselves some Mako action, which is why we’re so happy with the large amount of it that he gets in this The Legend of Korra season 2 trailer!

Korra… with her hair down!

Reminds us of the look Katara rocked in the later episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. What harsh battle brought Korra to this rugged state?

Bolin’s agile flip

It seems as though all of those years as a Probender have really paid off for Bolin! If this whole saving the the balance of the world with the Avatar thing doesn’t work out, maybe he could be a gymnast…

Korra’s giant water cyclone

Channeling some of Aang’s water cyclones, are we? We approve, Korra, we approve. And from the depths, she arises.

Wan Shi Tong descends

Wow. One of our all-time favorite spirits is making a return. This owl spirit means business, so Jinora best not be taking anything from his precious library!

Desna and Eska snowsurfing

Waterbending can be used in so many epic ways, making this a most recent example of it’s awesomeness. We’re very excited to see what these twins can cook up in The Legend of Korra season 2!

Korra going into a very purple Avatar state

Let’s be honest. There are never enough Avatar state scenes. Thankfully, this trailer is chock full of epic ones. Also, we wouldn’t want to mess with someone when they made that face.

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