Heading into its fifth season as the self-proclaimed family drama of the CW’s DC superhero shows, The Flash has in many ways since its own start been the heart of where the Arrowverse shows connect.

The Flash cast stopped by Ballroom 20 on Saturday afternoon to tease us about where their loveable characters are headed this coming fall and what we can expect to see in season 5 of DC’s most unapologetically sincere show.

Season 4 Recap

After Barry Allen defeated his evil time remnant twin in season 3 and stopped Savitar from murdering the love of his life, the start of season 4 left the Star Labs team without a Flash to lead them after Barry sacrificed himself following the chaos that erupted from an unbalanced speed force.

With Barry trapped, it was up to Iris to take it upon herself to lead Team Flash, and after the Star Labs crew found a way to break Barry out, he and Iris teamed up in life as in work as the superhero crossover event culminated in a West-Allen wedding.

The season finale saw a surprise arrive in the form of Nora: Barry and Iris’s daughter in the future who confesses she’s made a big mistake.

‘The Flash’ Comic-Con Live Blog!

***Refresh the page for live updates on Saturday’s Comic-Con panel!***

5:46 PST The Legends of Tomorrow panel just ended! The cast was hilarious and it was so nice to see how they take their responsibility as advocates so seriously. Next up is The Flash!

5:49 PST We’re getting a clip of next season! Nora’s back because she’s stuck in her parents’ timeline now. They call her XX because that’s a nickname her dad gave her. But there’s something she’s not telling her parents… But, she does give her dad HIS FLASH RING!

5:53 PST The cast is coming out! Jessica Parker as Nora Allen is here! Carlos Valdes, Candice Patton, Grant Gustin, Tom Cavanagh, Danielle Panabaker, Ralph Sawyer, and Danielle Nicollete are all here!

5:55 PST The big bad this year is Secada played by Chris Kline. Secada is a mysterious cult leader who’s obsessed with the Flash. His powers present a challenge for Team Flash that they’ve never had to deal with before.

5:56 PST We’re finally seeing the Flash costume ring! And we’ll be getting a new suit to go with it. It’s season 5, so they thought they’d mix it up a little bit this year.

5:58 PST According to Candice this season has got that season 1 nostalgia to it. Gustin says that this season 5 premiere is the best first episode since the pilot.

5:59 PST It is crazy how much Jessica looks like a blend of Grant and Candice. It creeped Candice out on set. A lot of fans started guessing it immediately once they saw her.

6:00 PST The introduction of Nora is going to shake things up on the set as she’s a brand new dynamic on the show. Barry, Iris and Nora are all on very different pages.

6:00 PST Nora’s pretty clingy to Barry when she first arrives and no one knows why. She’s also distant with Iris and it worries Iris about what happened in the future between them. She didn’t grow up with a mother and she worries that she wasn’t a good mother.

6:02 PST Danielle Panabaker is going to be the first actress in the Arrowverse to direct an episode. She’s directing her first episode this season! Tom Cavanagh’s advice? Don’t mess it up!

6:03 PST How do the writers pick which new Wells to throw at Tom each year? Last year at the end of the season Todd Helbing, the EP, talked to Tom about some ideas.

6:04 PST Moving forward there will be a little more of a bromance between Cisco and Ralph. Carlos looks forward to Ralph encouraging Cisco’s bachelorhood in a multitude of ways after the Gypsy breakup.

6:08 PST Parenthood the second time around for Cecile and Joe is energizing and rejuvinating. They’ll both go back to work. Cecile is a modern woman in America. The first few episodes will see everyone recovering from the new changes of a baby and a grown up grandbaby.

6:10 PST Nora likes to be called XS which is what Barry’s granddaughter calls herself in the comics. The Flash always adjusts the mythology to fit the show. Ever since Iris put on her suit last season, the EP has planned for Nora to wear it as well.

6:12 PST Grant is showing of his speedster skids! Candice says that it’s really hard to do but he makes it look swaggy.

6:13 PST Cisco’s powers will be challenged like he’s never been challenged before this season.

6:15 PST Caitlin will be asking some questions about what makes Killer Frost who she is. She didn’t get her powers from the particle accelerator explosion, so that will be explored as well.

6:16 PST In the comics, Iris is known for being an ace reporter and Candice hopes that that’s brought to the show as well. Candice says that we live in perilous times right now where the truth is challenged and she thinks that journalists are heroes. It’s important for Candice that Iris have agency outside of being a love interest. She wants people to know that they can do incredible things and help their community without any superpowers.

6:17 PST Barry’s got his job back as a CSI!

6:18 PST The show will be hitting its 100th episode this season! The episode will be directed by Tom Cavanagh. It will be episode 8 of this season and it will be a huge midseason finale.

6:19 PST Candice’s first scene in the pilot was Barry and Iris’s reunion at Jitters. She said that it felt really special at the time, even though they didn’t know if the show would get picked up.

6:21 PST Flash round of questions is happening! There will be a lot of deaths this season. An LGBTQ character will be introduced. The theme for season 5 is: legacy. We will see a younger version of the Rogues. Also Barry and Iris might get a shot at an Arrow-free vow renewal.

6:23 PST King Shark and Grodd will battle this season… as long as they have enough money to do it. Grant suggested they do a Kickstarter.

6:24 PST Nora did not create a Flashpoint but her journey did create a lot of ripples.

6:25 PST Barry is faster than Nora right now, but she’ll probably pass him just like Wally did.

6:27 PST Star Lab’s security man is named Gunther and he’s always sleeping on the job.

6:32 PST Patience and understanding are the two qualities that Barry learned from Joe on how to be a good father to Nora.

6:34 PST And that’s a wrap! The panel was so great!