We sat down with the cast of Black Lightning at SDCC and got a few hints and a few hopes for the upcoming season!

The Arrow-verse may get much of the attention, but the CW’s best superhero show by far is Black Lightning.

Rather than focusing on Easter eggs, crossovers, or increasingly bigger and more convoluted storylines, Black Lightning keeps its focus tight on its characters, so that the show is more like a family drama with superheroes sprinkled in rather than the other way around.

Season 2 finally saw Jennifer Pierce step into a suit and use her powers to help take down Tobias Whale, which meant the Pierce family could celebrate… for about two seconds until Agent Odell appeared in their living room and told them about the upcoming Markovian war. Looks like your favorite superhero family will have to wait just a little bit longer to take a well-deserved vacation from saving Freeland.

Check out the sizzle reel below, which recapped an electric and awesome second season and got us excited for what comes next!

With the show just now shooting its first episode for season 3, there wasn’t much the cast could tell us about where the season was going and what their characters’ arcs would be. However, we were able to ask them what they were hoping to see (and what they might pitch hard to the writers). Check out their answers below!

What do you hope for your character in season 3?