Put on your detective caps, it’s time to start making predictions on the identity of Scream Queens‘ killer!

Scream Queens premiered last night, and following in the footsteps of many a horror show of the past, the big question the show presents is, who is the killer? Is it who you think it is? Is it who you don’t think it is? Have we even met the killer yet? Options are endless! You can’t even rule out dead people, because apparently who you think is dead may not in fact be dead. But that just makes this guessing game all the more fun, so with that in mind, let’s start making some early predictions.

Starting out easy, who is definitely not the Red Devil?

Grace Gardner

She’s the Goody Two-Shoes of the bunch, and more importantly, she’s the audience’s eyes. We’re seeing events unfold through her, and with her, so she can’t be the Red Devil. Not to mention we saw her chasing after the Devil, so unless there’s time travel in this show and she’s chasing herself, it can’t be her.

Chanel Oberlin

She’s an awful person, and the death of Kappa House’s previous leader put her on top, so of course she’s the killer right? Wrong. That’s way too obvious. They even made a point of questioning whether she was the Devil. Such in your face accusations are hardly ever correct in the end, so we’re crossing Chanel off our list as well.

So who could it be?

Pete Martinez

Early suspects included barista boy, Pete. When you consider Ms. Bean’s death, there could only be so many people who knew about the fryer prank. Chanel and Ms. Bean discussed it in the coffee shop, and who else was there? Why none other than barista boy himself! It’s entirely possible he overheard this conversation and snuck in to the house and turned the fryer on. After all, he’s a self-proclaimed journalist who likes to sneak around.

Then we consider that he actually owns a Red Devil outfit. “So he is the killer!” you exclaim. Actually, no. The mere fact that he owns this outfit puts him at the bottom of our list, if not off it completely. Just like with Chanel, it’s now too obvious. Not to mention the creepy shots he was getting in the latter half of the episode. Could it be more obvious that they want us to be suspicious of him? Nice try guys, but we’re not biting.

Gigi Caldwell

Let’s just be honest, the woman is strange.

Suspicious fact one: Gigi was pretty all right with the girls staying in the house. There is a killer on the loose who’s attacking Kappa girls! Why would you let them stay in the house? Suspicious fact two: Gigi is stuck in the ’90s. It’s still unclear how exactly this is important, but trust us, somehow it will be important (we think…).

Wes Gardner

Grace’s dad was also an early suspect, and by the end of the episode he’s definitely our strongest lead. Why? Because Grace is the baby that was born in the bathtub in 1995.

Grace is 18. We know that Grace’s mom died when she was young. We don’t know how. We also know that Grace’s mom was in Kappa House. We saw a baby born in 1995 whose mother died the same night she gave birth. That baby should now be 19 or 20.

“But wait!” you shout. “Grace is 18, not 19, you said so yourself!” That is true. But what is also true, is that that might not be true. Confused yet? Consider this:

When Gigi talked to Wes in the car the night he was watching the Kappa house, he said that he wanted to pull Grace out of school until all this was over and “Who cares about losing a year?” Of course he wouldn’t care if she missed school and ‘lost’ a year, because technically she wouldn’t be losing a year if he’s lied about her age. It’s possible Grace is actually 19 or 20, and for whatever reason, Wes has been lying about her age, saying she’s a year younger.

Additionally, if Grace is in fact the baby from 1995, and it was Wes’ girlfriend who died in the tub, he has motive for wanting to kill Kappa girls. They let his baby mama die, and he won’t let them ruin his baby now. After all, he’s made it quite clear he doesn’t want Grace joining a sorority. What better reason could he have for hating sorority girls so much than because they let his girlfriend die?

Not to mention the fact that he wants to work on campus now. He says it’s because he wants to be close to Grace and protect her, but what if the truth is more sinister? What if it isn’t Grace he wants to be closer to, but the victims?

Let’s also not forget the (potentially) obvious deflection line, “No that’s not the killer, that’s my dad.” If Wes is the killer, that makes this line so much funnier in retrospect.

The biggest question mark here though is that it’s unclear what his connection to Boone is. But it’s early stages, so there’s time left for that to reveal itself.

Who do you think is the Devil killing the ‘Scream Queens’?