Scream season 1, episode 5, “Exposed,” just finished airing, and Emma learned what happened freshman year.

This week’s Scream starts off with Emma getting a phone call from the killer, asking, “How does it feel to be the star of the show?” She hangs up the phone, only to notice a picture of her and Will from the sex tape with the words “Just like your mother” written across it.

The sheriff gets booted from the case because his superiors aren’t seeing enough results. At school, Mr. Branson begins talking about The Scarlet Letter, which is a little on the nose for the episode. Emma continues to get bullied, this time online, and we learn in passing that Kieran had been out of town. Suspicious? Probably.

There’s a candlelight vigil for the victims, and Piper takes this time to plant a seed of doubt in Emma’s head. Rachel’s parents said Audrey intimidated Rachel and made her do things she wouldn’t normally do. Emma doesn’t believe that, but Piper reminds her, “It’s hard to know the truth unless you have the whole story.”

At the vigil, Emma talks about Riley, but she sees a video of herself on her own phone and can’t finish. Stepping aside, she gets a text from the killer that says if she tells the cops anything about him, she’ll get her mother’s heart in a box.

Emma does talk with the new authorities the next day, but she doesn’t actually tell them anything. At work, Noah finds malware in the school system that’s downloaded with the language arts homework. Could Mr. Branson be at fault here? Audrey senses an unholy alliance between him and Nina.

Brooke finally spills the beans about the secret of freshman year. She tells Emma that Will took a bet to sleep with her inside a month. Nina put him up to it (of course). And speaking of Will, he’s up to no good as the mayor goes to a warehouse to drop off his blackmail money. He gets in a car, and when a masked Jake realizes not all of the money is there, he slaps Brooke’s dad around a little bit and threatens to upload a video unless they get the rest of the $100,000 within the next day. Will is so done with Jake’s crap.

Piper offers Emma alcohol because that’ll totally solve all of her problems right now. “Life is like Charlie Brown and his football,” she offers. “That bitch Lucy keeps taking it away, but you gotta keep kicking.” We also learn that Piper’s father was murdered and it’s still unsolved, which is why she got into the business of podcasting about all these morbid events.

Emma confronts Will about the bet and although Will tries to explain himself, Emma says they’re officially done — they’re not friends, and they’re definitely not together. After learning her mom has been checked into rehab, Brooke goes to school where Will confronts her. Jake gets in between them and they have a fistfight before Mr. Branson breaks it up.

Then, after gym class, Emma kisses Kieran in front of Will while Audrey and Noah sneak into Branson’s office. Noah notices that Riley had access to his computer, and now they’re wondering if she was in on all of this blackmailing, too.

The sheriff and Emma’s mother talk that night about how he used to be with the detective that kicked him off the case. And how he used to take pills when he was with her, too. But none of that deters Maggie, as Clark kisses her for the first time and she responds in kind.

Jake is up to no good as he heads over to Brooke’s house and tells her that Tyler and Nina had a video of her dad and was blackmailing him. He then takes it a step further by saying Will is the one who kept the video and was continuing the blackmail. Her father has hidden cameras all over the house and he was listening in, so now he thinks he knows the identity of the person asking for his money. Things are not looking good for Will.

The cops manage to get into Nina’s computer and are shocked by the amount of videos she has. Brooke watches the video of her father, which appears to show him dragging her mother’s body into their house.

At the end of the episode, Kieran takes Emma into the woods to teach her to shoot, but she doesn’t feel comfortable keeping the gun. Instead, the pair decide to be alive by hooking up right there in the open field.

What did you think of ‘Scream’ season 1, episode 5, ‘Exposed’?