It’s the final episode of Scandal season 4 until 2015, so what can we expect during tonight’s winter finale?

Titled “Where the Sun Don’t Shine,” Scandal’s mid-season break will find Olivia squaring off against her father Rowan, who managed to escape yet another takedown attempt on episode 8 last Thursday.

Somehow Rowan knew that Olivia, Fitz, and Jake were planning to capture him for killing the President’s son — amongst a slew of other bad things. We’re very curious how Rowan found out about the plan (a mole?) so we’re hoping for an explanation!

Previews for Scandal season 4, episode 9 find Olivia learning to fire a weapon with some help from Jake. Although in the trailer it looked like she may be learning how to use a weapon to kill Rowan the next time she sees him, in this clip we learn that the weapon training has to do with protecting herself because Papa Pope is cleaning house:

The synopsis for tonight’s new episode reads, “Command is always two steps ahead and everyone in Olivia’s life is in danger. Meanwhile, Cyrus is forced to face the consequences of his behavior, and Huck and Quinn finally figure out just what Elizabeth North has been planning, but they might be too late to stop it.”

What else will happen during the Scandal winter finale? We’re hoping to learn more about what Lizzie Bear is up to with Vice President Nichols, especially now that Kubiak has been killed. And will Mellie learn of Nichols’ romance with Lizzie? We’d love to see her reaction after cheating on her own husband.

You should also expect Mama Pope to make an appearance in some capacity. We’ve been speculating over the past few weeks that she’s the one who’s been spying on Olivia, and we know for sure that the actress who plays Maya has been booked for the winter finale.

Visit Hypable after the episode airs for our recap of everything that went down on the Scandal season 4 winter finale. Until then, see our recap of last week’s episode.

Enjoy every moment of the episode because the show won’t be returning until Thursday, January 29, 2015 – that’s nearly three full months off!

Scandal season 4, episode 9 airs Thursday, November 20 at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific on ABC.

There ain’t no finale like a Scandal (mid-season) finale.