This Thursday’s Scandal will bring back Leo Bergen and introduce a new case of the week where Olivia is dealing with a woman named Susan running for Senate.

Scandal season 4, episode 7, titled “Baby Made a Mess,” appears to hold yet another busy storyline, if pictures and the synopsis are any indication.

The synopsis for this Thursday’s new Scandal reads, “Olivia, still unable to believe that Jake is guilty, sets her eyes on Tom for additional information, and when Leo Bergen’s newest client causes a gut wrenching reaction, her associates spring into action. Meanwhile, Huck continues to play with fire, Mellie makes a power move and Elizabeth’s shocking alliance is revealed.”

That “power move” Mellie is going to make will likely be inspired by the discussion she had with former First Lady Bitsy on last week’s episode, who said she’d run the White House during her husband’s term while the president was distracted by women. It was a little chat that clearly gave Mellie motivation to do something similar.

Pictures unveil a slew of scenes within Scandal season 4, episode 7, including the introduction of Abby’s ex-husband Charles (played by Battlestar Galactica alum Michael Trucco).

Charles, the below photo reveals, will find himself working with Cyrus and Fitz in the White House. Given how annoyed Fitz has been at Abby, could the president be employing Charles to get back at Abby? No matter what happens, it’s safe to say that Abby will be pissed.

In other stills released by ABC, we see Olivia taking on a case of the week involving a potential senator, Catherine’s husband Jeremy looking upset and being confronted by Quinn, Leo meeting privately with Abby, and Huck’s son enjoying more video games:

What do you think Abby’s ex-husband will be up to in the Oval Office?

Scandal season 4, episode 7 airs Thursday, November 7 at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific on ABC. While you wait, check out our recap of last week’s episode in which Cyrus made a huge mistake!