Scandal premieres this Thursday, September 25 at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific. Can’t wait? Let’s refresh ourselves on what went down during the season finale!

Scandal season 3 left the airwaves in April, and since then fans have been dying to know the answers to a lot of questions.

A refresher: The focus of the Scandal season 3 finale revolved around Olivia trying to secure Fitz a second term in the White House. Though things weren’t looking up for the President during the majority of the episode thanks in part to Sally playing hero at the site of that bombing, Papa Pope was able to pull a fast one by killing Fitz’s son, thus securing sympathy votes for the President.

In addition, Mellie opened up to Fitz about being raped by his father, but a paternity test confirmed Jerry is/was his son.

Then there were the slew of surprises in the final few moments of the episode. Harrison was killed, Rowan became head of B613 and suggested he’s working with Maya and Tom, Fitz won the election, and Huck arrived at the door step of the wife and child from his past. Was Shonda trying to get everyone to tweet non-sensical thoughts in a short timeframe? If so, it worked.

So what’s next?

The big question viewers will be curious about: Where did Olivia and Jake run off to? According to the season 4 premiere synopsis, two months will have passed when viewers rejoin the world of Scandal. Presumably Olivia will be coming back to Washington D.C., but the reason for her return is still unclear. Perhaps it’s because Olivia Pope & Associates needs their leading lady.

Thanks to the synopsis we also know that Fitz and Cyrus will be committed to setting up a solid plan for the President’s second term. Then there’s Mellie, who will be “struggling to cope” with the loss of Jerry. Hopefully Fitz will take some time to comfort her before Olivia gets back and distracts him from his wife.

As always, it’s hard to make predictions about Scandal because as soon as you think you know where things are headed, Shonda Rhimes and her team pull the carpet out from under you. If one thing’s for sure, the drama between Olivia and Fitz will continue as they try to figure out how to deal with their feelings for one another. Maybe Fitz will follow through with his offer to divorce Mellie like he offered Olivia during the season 3 finale?

The most important thing to remember is that Scandal season 4 will be airing at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific – one hour earlier than the show aired during its previous three seasons. Don’t forget!

What type of ‘Scandal’s’ do you want to see during season 4?

Be sure to check out a couple stills from episode 1 which depict Fitz and Cyrus.