Since The Secret Circle was cancelled, hundred of fans have voiced their opinion on how The CW has made a mistake by canceling their show.

Petitions were the start, and now the fans have taken to raising funds through a campaign they have called “Make A Wish Save A Witch.” Andrew Miller, the executive producer for the show has donated $500 and also put up a poster on the auction site eBay to help the campaign out.

The CW are still staying quiet on the issue as to why the cancellation was made. Maybe they have realized that canceling the show was the wrong decision and they are trying to fix it? Personally, I would like to believe this.

You can JOIN the campaign by heading over to or:

Sign the Twitition (almost 20,000)

Sign Petition 2 (16,055 already signed):

Sign GoPetition 3 (25,941 signed – wow):


Simply use the hash tag #savethecircle or tweet to @CW_network letting them know your opinion (be kind, bad comments won’t get the campaigning anywhere).