For several weeks we’ve known that Saoirse Ronan read for Star Wars: Episode VII, but now the actress has confirmed it herself.

While talking to Sky News about her upcoming film How I Live Now, Saoirse Ronan confirmed that she auditioned for Star Wars: Episode VII recently, but she stressed that it didn’t mean much. After confirming her audition, Ronan added, “So has everyone.”

Ronan didn’t really reveal anything in this new interview, as we’ve known for a while that lots of actors are testing for Star Wars: Episode VII. Assuming they don’t cast someone huge, especially in the roles of the kids of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Princess Leia, landing a role in Episode VII will be a big career step for whoever gets said roles.

Interestingly, Ronan may have revealed more than she intended. When asked if she would add more, Ronan said that she couldn’t because Star Wars bosses would “chop off [my] head with a light-saber.” This bit in itself seems to say that negotiations are still in place, which makes her involvement sound like it’s more than just another actress who auditioned.

Though all of the actors that have auditioned for Star Wars: Episode VII roles are not known, the rumored list is pretty extensive. In addition to Ronan, actors rumored to have auditioned include Michael B. Jordan, David Oyelowo, Alex Pettyfer, Rachel Hurd-Wood, and, most notably, Benedict Cumberbatch, though he of course would not be playing the part of one of the kids.

Though we don’t know yet who will be in Star Wars: Episode VII, we do know that director J.J. Abrams wants the film to be as realistic as possible. Abrams said what fans know: That the original trilogy felt more real than the prequels. This will be achieved in Episode VII and beyond by using less CGI and being shot on real film.

Should J.J. Abrams cast Saoirse Ronan in ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’?