Samuel L. Jackson will be lending his iconic voice to Amazon Alexa, so if you’ve ever wanted to chat with the actor, your time is now.

Samuel L. Jackson just inked a pretty huge deal with Amazon, but it’s not to star in a new movie or show for Amazon Studios. No, instead, the actor has signed over his voice to be used by Amazon Alexa as the first-ever celebrity voice option.

We’re all pretty familiar with the robotic, usually feminine voices of digital assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Cortana. And while most of us could probably easily admit to a time where we spent far too long having a “conversation” with our digital assistant of choice, I think we’ve all had the thought that it would be pretty cool if Alexa and her digital pals were voiced by famous celebs.

So it isn’t surprising that Amazon decided to explore adding celebrity voice options to their Alexa. As Variety reports, Jackson is being called the first to lend his voice to the digital assistant, and more celebrity voice packs are expected to roll out in 2020.

Alexa users will have the option to buy the Samuel L. Jackson later this year for the introductory price of 99 cents. And because this is Samuel L. Jackson we’re talking about, users will have the option to use a clean or explicit voice pack featuring the actor’s iconic voice.

This new voice pack comes thanks to Amazon’s new Neural Text-to-Speech technology, which helps the voice on an Alexa sound more human. It can learn to replicate human inflections, and generally respond in tones, inflections, and beats that are more natural to human speech.

Amazon will be using this technology for Jackson’s voice on Alexa, which means that his voice on Alexa will be synthesized, not the result of pre-recorded words or phrases.

It’s pretty exciting tech, and we’re more than a little excited to start hearing Jackson’s voice coming from our Alexas. The upcoming celebrity voices releasing in 2020 haven’t been released yet, but we’ll keep you posted as more announcements are made.