We all know The Hunger Games is coming.  Without question it is one of the most anticipated movies next year. But what will be the next big YA adaptation?

Salon asked authors Sherman Alexie, Gregory Macguire, Maggie Steifvater, Rae Carson, Cassie Clare and several others what they think the best and worst adaptations are and what they would most like to see adapted in the future.

From Salon:

Maggie Stiefvater
My dream adaptations? I’d love to see Rick Yancey’s “The Monstrumologist” made into an eerie, Victorian movie. And Natalie Standiford’s “How to Say Goodbye in Robot” would make a great movie, fitting solidly in the “wistfully humorous could star Zach Braff” genre.

Rae Carson
And on the subjects of horses and racing and gorgeously cinematic children’s books, Maggie Stiefvater’s “The Scorpio Races” would make a wonderful film. Warner Bros. has acquired the rights, so I have high hopes!

It’s also interesting to note how movies have changed the way books, especially children’s books, are written. Many authors now write with a cinematic perspective, “directing” their novels to paint a wide-lens picture, then focusing in on details and blocking scenes in a film-friendly way. I even see the influence of the “over the shoulder” shot in written dialogue.

To read more of the authors choices on adaptions be sure to check out Salon’s complete listing.

What book do you want to see adapted?