Ryan Reynolds, star of Deadpool, may or may not have had a hand in leaking the test footage that forced Fox to make the movie.

Deadpool hits theaters this week, and we cannot wait to see this supposedly life-altering R-rated superhero movie that could, if early reviews are anything to go by, change the genre forever.

But as you probably know, it’s been a long road for Reynolds, director Tim Miller, and writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.

Related: Deadpool 2 is already being written

They had to fight long and hard to get Deadpool on the big screen — and in true Merc with a Mouth fashion, they sometimes had to fight dirty:

Reynolds explains the grueling process of getting Deadpool made — a feat that’s taken 11 years and which he calls “the worst relationship of my life” — and recalls how, a few years ago, the test footage they shot “leaked onto the Internet… accidentally.”

“Here’s the thing,” Reynolds says, “the Deadpool fans freaked out and overwhelmed Fox, and Fox basically had to greenlight the movie.”

How lucky! The problem was that leaking footage owned by Fox is illegal, of course… so while “I know that one of us did it,” Reynolds can never say who.

We’re guessing Fox doesn’t mind too much anymore, however, seeing how much buzz the genre-defying superhero movie is already garnering!

Reportedly, a sequel is already in the works — and, should we be so lucky, Reynolds has told Variety that he’d like to see Deadpool have a boyfriend in the next installment.

Referring to the character’s canon pansexuality, Reynolds says, “I love that about Deadpool. I love that he can break any boundary. In the future, I hope we get to do that more … I certainly wouldn’t be the guy standing in the way of that. That would be great.”

Deadpool hits theaters on February 12.