Glee boss Ryan Murphy is getting quite the reputation as a celebrity Twitterer, and last night the executive producer held another one of his Q&A sessions, shaking things up by revealing major spoilers for the rest of the season. He also posted a few on-set images that have fans asking a lot of questions.

The most controversial of Ryan Murphy’s reveals include these two pictures from his Twitter:


The first one shows Kurt and Blaine, obviously, and Murphy captioned the picture “Come What May.” Klaine fans instantly jumped on this as a reference to the Moulin Rouge song, which is well-known as a number Chris Colfer hoped to perform  – we recall Colfer speaking about the song as a potential Klaine duet at the 2011 Golden Globes. The boys are in formal wear and at a hotel, Murphy confirmed, so we assume this is part of the whole (probably) Will/Emma wedding shenanigans, as Murphy has previously confirmed a Klaine duet at the wedding. However, time will tell in regards to the exact circumstances of this picture – the boys don’t look their happiest – and what the song reference might mean.

The second picture – well, you know how we said, above, that the wedding was probably Wemma? And you know how we reported executive producer Dante Di Loreto saying, “There are some things that are going to shock the heck out of you,” in regards to the wedding? Well, that beautiful bride appears to be Sue Sylvester. We assume, this time, she’s not attempting to marry herself once again. What is going on?

Aside from the pictures, some of Murphy’s recent Twitter reveals are pretty massive. Having already revealed that a Kurt/Blaine kiss is on its way – making out in a car, apparently, after the wedding – he confirms that they’ve just shot the scene. This seems like a pretty huge spoiler – so huge that fans accused him of trolling them – and we were shocked when he randomly dropped it a couple of weeks ago, so we suspect that there may be more to the scenario than a simple, satisfying reunion. We suspect it may be an “oh gosh, we shouldn’t have done that” situation, which could actually be interesting – we can’t recall Glee having done the whole “exes have a hook-up and then admit it was a mistake” plot before.

In overwhelmingly positive news, Murphy also tells fans that Burt Hummel will NOT be dying. His prostate cancer diagnosis after a prior near-death illness had fans wondering whether he could survive a second life-threatening health issue, and it seems that he can. Though that does leave us asking the question, “Why introduce this as a storyline then completely remove the stakes?”

More good news – Blake Jenner, The Glee Project‘s season 2 winner, will be remaining on Glee past his allotted seven-episode winner’s arc. We’re glad to hear this, as his character Ryder is one of the best things about season 4. He’ll also be joined by a fellow Glee Project alum in the Valentine’s Day episode – who do you think it could be?

He also confirmed the use of “Come What May” in episode 15, which will feature music from the movies. Episode 15 will be the second of what is apparently the two-part Valentine’s Day and wedding extravaganza; however, he did not confirm if it would definitely be a Kurt/Blaine duet.

Murphy answered several questions about Quinn and Santana visiting Rachel in New York City:


We loved this slightly snarky reply about Heather Morris’ recent Brittana-shunning statement:

And this isn’t Glee related, but it was too sweet to be overlooked: when a fan asked Murphy what his favorite word was, he replied simply with “Logan.” Awwww.

Have Ryan Murphy’s tweets made you excited for Glee‘s return? Do you like the way Murphy interacts on Twitter, or do you think he gives away too many spoilers?