Gosling is known for his good looks, charm, and the “Hey Girl” meme. But what if – what IF – we also were able to call him a real-life Backstreet Boy?

Backstreet member A.J. McLean revealed to TMZ in a recent interview that he and Ryan Gosling were close in the 1990s. McLean explains that he and Gosling shared an apartment building when the band was being put together. At the same time, Gosling was joining Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club where boy band rival Justin Timberlake had made a name for himself.

As the story goes, Gosling couldn’t get in touch with McLean (perhaps to join the group?) after the Backstreet Boys made it big, but the now-successful member seems to feel regretful of that.

On video, McLean certainly implies that Gosling could’ve very well been a Backstreet Boy if things only worked out a bit differently.

If Gosling joined the Backstreet Boys, the rivalry with N’Sync could’ve been even greater because of Mickey Mouse Club superstars Gosling VS Timberlake. The latter was arguably the biggest heartthrob in N’Sync, and Gosling could’ve surpassed the other Backstreet Boys to take the most-beloved slot.

We’ll forever be left dreaming.